
Mizu Tezuma

Ask @KajiWolf

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*Throws her overalls in her face* What if someone saw you?! Then what?

Jakkan Anbou
Then I'd... Run? Maybe end up in the tabloids?
Where's the rest of my clothes? Where's my onesie hoodie?
*is just sitting there on the ground in just a diaper, and holding her overalls*

*Heeeeeeey. Jakk is shaking her by the shoulders* THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME.

Jakkan Anbou
Th-the movie is over, though. So I'd say it worked out pretty well.
*she shakes her head* Oof...
AND you're outside as a baby! Win-win!

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"Hahah, she's funny!" "Even if we did get coal-" "Its not like Krampus would take them, anyway!" Lu interrupts from under them. "And who would want to take over Mobius if the Lady is already on it?" "Seriously, EVERYONE wants to take it over, what's so good about it?"

Lumina Malkavya
What about where I'm from?

*He totally ignores them and runs out like a crazy toddler. He ends up slipping on some ice and hitting his head* You're soooooo not worth this… *Runs to where she crashed* MIZU. SHOW YOURSELF, COWARD.

Jakkan Anbou
*there is some rustling in a pile of snow nearby* Uuuugh... Better landing than... without wings.

(( Hush, its past my bedtime. )) "Sup, dragon lady!" "Merry Christmas!" "Look what the Lady got!" "More like FOUND." one of them is wearing a santa hat, but its hard to tell if its Damien or Adrien.

Lumina Malkavya
Hey Damie-Adrie- Twins!
Nice hat! How many pounds of coal did you two get? Is it enough for your world domination plans?

They're all stuck in her hair! Its peaked the twins curiosity, and they light up at the sight of the peanuts. without warning, they canonball in, landing on Lu.

Lumina Malkavya
*Mizu laughs at this*

…That idiot can't land. *Runs out of the apartment with his keys* MIIIIIZZUUUUUUUU?!

Jakkan Anbou
*you gotta take the public elevator. Oh boy*
*probably should have put pants on, mister Onesie version of the outfit you were wearing before*

"You're welcome~!" she clings onto the dragon, spinning around once before falling back into the peanuts.

Lumina Malkavya
You're in em now, too!
*all this commotion has to get someone's attention*

…*Lets her go*

Jakkan Anbou
*she falls for a bit, tumbling in the wind until she is below the average height of the buildings below (they block the wind)*
*you then see her glide slowly down to the ground, landing in an alley with a CRASH you hear seconds later*

Are you CRAZY?! There's no way I'm letting you go! *Totally overlooking the fact that she is a dragon*

Jakkan Anbou
You know. The things that FLY around, burning villages and eating shiny armor? ... Sometimes with people in them?
I may be in diapers, but my wings are developed enough to glide!

"H-Hey! What about the den!?"

Lumina Malkavya
Black has a vacuum, right?
*she pops her head out the top, packing peanuts splashing like water-ish packing peanuts (?)* Jump on in! The Styrofoam's great!

*Screams* MIIIIZZUUUU!!! *He sticks his body out from the bars of the balcony. Jakkan holds his stubby little hand out as far as possible without falling*

Jakkan Anbou
*wait! He has the tip of her tail!*
*what is she doing...? She's taking her clothes off?!*
Jakkan! Let me go! I can get back just fine from here!

Inside is a large stone and wooden hut type thing with comfy cotton bedding. it looks like a giant hamster hut, but fireproof. "I got you a new hoarding den so you can stop using our laundry room~!"

Lumina Malkavya
*she gasps loudly upon seeing it* It's... It's...
*she dives in*

S-Stop! Will you just get back here?!

Jakkan Anbou
Why would I wanna do th- *WHOOSH WIND FWOOOO*
THAT?! *the wind picks up and sends her off the building*
*she's light, so she's not falling TOO quickly. The wind is keeping her from falling fast but it's dangerous!*

*Freaks out, heading towards the balcony* Get down from there, idiot! You're gonna get hurt!

Jakkan Anbou
I can hold on just fine! *she lets go with all but her left foot* See? I got this!
*a big breeze decides it should head over there pretty soon*

"Aye! So what did you get for christmas, kid?"

Lumina Malkavya
"For Christmas? Oh! I got..." Her expression drops. "Er... I got..."
She looks at Lu with a puzzled expression. "When was Christmas, again?"


Language: English