
Mizu Tezuma

Ask @KajiWolf

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((That's a challenge worthy of one who has played since 1999))

((Idea: Train it to the highest level you can WITHOUT letting it faint. If it faints, it's over. Either you tell me what level it was when it fainted, or you try again with a new Pichu.))

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((What, you want a Pichu of your own? Only if you offer something in return, and only when I reach the part of the game with breeding and ditto))

((I don't have the game. So no. I just want more teams with Pichu))

((I got Pokemon X. Only been a day and I already got my first badge. My current team is Pikachu, Vivillon, Pidgey, Litleo [obtained lv1 via trade], Braixen and Combusken [from event torchic]))

((Needs more Pichu))

((I'm turning 20 tomorrow (December 6). Just thought I'd throw this out there. Also, I feel /OLD/ now. I'm no longer a teenager in any way.))

((I'm turning 18 on the 19th.))

((Spring is officially forced to the new site now? I think a lot of people will migrate back here now, like they did when we thought it was going to die.))

((It only seems to be doing it with the mobile site.))


Louis Yamato
((hey, man. Sorry. Fs was crashing my phone. The app, too. Not just crashing the browser, my entire phone. Had to take the battery out a lot because of it.))

((OK people my laptop ran into a problem that stopped it from working, so I may not be online much for the next few weeks on any of my accounts. I may have to restore the entire operating system again from scratch - and I don't even have the disk.))

((Well, spring.me is officially useless for me. They got rid of old.spring.me. Now it just automatically redirects to the new one. Which crashes my phone. As does the app. Seriously, do the programmers even TEST their site before changing it?))

That awkward moment when you get shot by your wife, in front of your wife, who then proceeds to try to kill your wife, while your best friend is off to the side, pregnant... WITH YOUR WIFE.

(( oh, Doctor Who. How I love you so.))

Dani: Well that makes sens- *Dani yelps as Kodi grabs her tail. However, she's not a saiyan so it doesn't weaken her at all*

*Mizu sighs* It still hurts, not eating... Got any food?

Dani: That means you don't need to go to the bathroom either, right?

Well... SOME things aren't stopped.
No idea how, but it's just like that.

*The siblings look at each other, then back at Mizu* Dani: That's ridiculous. If you were asleep that long you'd have died from dehydration by now.

I don't need to drink. Or eat.
I'm perpetually the same age, remember? I don't NEED to do most things that would keep me alive normally, but I LIKE to do them.

*Dani smiles* Thank you Mizu. So what are you doing out here?

Oh. I was on my way home, got tired, slept outside...
I think that was a week ago? Maybe ten days?

Dani: Sorry about Kodi. He gets a bit... aggressive when things don't go his way.

Ah. It's alright. I've gotta say though. I really like your fur color, Dani!

Kodi: Dani got turned into a dog! Mean wizards!

That's how I got my ears and tail! *she flops her ears and wags her tail*

Dani: I- what- what am I? / Kodi: You got a tail like me, so maybe you are really my sister! / Dani: But I have fur! and a muzzle! And horns!

*Mizu just stands there awkwardly*

Dani: What do you- *She suddenly screams at realizing her new look is not even human*

*cringes and ears fold down* Agh! S-sorry! Did I say something wrong?!

Dani: Years? It hasn't been that long, I'm still only 15!

*she coughs* It was uhh... it was an exaggeration. I think.
So! What happened? You look like a... not you.


Language: English