

Ask @YaraYsr

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tab jst for u to knw sortek 3ala page 3al facebook 2smaha selfie tanta

Yeah I know.
Maho 2na ba3atelhom el selfie bta3ty w homa 7atooha 3al Page bta3et-hom :P

انتى حلوة انهرده -يعنى كنت وحشة قبل كده؟؟ لأ انتى مش فاهمة -و كمان مبفهمش؟ خلينى اكمل كلام - يعنى انا رغاية و مش مديالك فرصة تتكلم؟

Bssam ._.
Liked by: Mena♥

تأملوها فقط .. {سمع الله لمن حمده } مسااء الامل والتفائل ♥ ;)

سمع الله لمن حمده ♥

"انت بتحشش؟" .. "لا يا ماما طبعا , مين قالك كده ؟ ".. "العصفورة قالتلى " .. "بتكلمى عصافير ؟! كده انا اللى بحشش؟!"

Bssam ._.
Ha3ha3ha333 :P

how to be happy ?

Many things are needed to be achieved in order to call yourself "a happy person".
1. Get close to God. Putting God in the first place and keeping up with religious acts and your daily worship will make your life easier. It'll increase the level of faith and will make you understand that everything happens for a reason. Even if things don't happen for a reason, like for instance a sudden illness, it means that God is testing your patience; He wants to see whether the first One you'll get back to is Him when in need.
2. Obey and respect your parents. They say Jannah (heaven) is under the feet of mothers, and many Islamic stories have proved that Allah raises His obaid's rank if they do maximum work in pleasing their parent and draw a smile, not only over their face, but also over their heart.
3. Strive to become a successful person. Knowledge acts as an important part for being happy. It helps you choose the proper words and reasoning when having a conflict with the other end. It increases your smartness level and enables you to look at life from a more positive perspective. They also say that a knowledgeable person is one who's too close to God, looking to the many abilities you have when reading, writing or talking makes you think deeper and thank God for all what He have blessed you with.
4. Do what makes you happy. Do you love reading, drawing or video-making? This point considers all your talents. There's not a person living on this word who's talentless. We all have the ability to do something unique, maybe your talent could somehow be like others or maybe it's totally different that no one can pursue it but you. Be careful: when a picking a talent in order to pursue it, make sure it doesn't go against your religion.
5. Build yourself up a healthy routine. Healthy people tend to be quite happy. Wake up on a good timing, have good amounts of food for your breakfast, lunch and dinner, exercise or go to a gym 3 times a week, check your health with a doctor in order to keep up with your body illness, maintain a meeting with an active group which helps you to socialize, build friendship and enhances your brain to accept views and opinions.
I'm sorry that I write too much, but I'm pretty interested to give long answers to people who are interested in knowing about something, or need me to assist them in anything :)
Hope that benefits though ^-^

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Liked by: MoCa

ما هو سبب حدوث الاستشراف المرحلى فى تقوقع الفلسفه الكونيه و. انتشار الفكر الاسقربوطى المتلازم فى دحض ديمومة الاستنفار الأزلى المتكررعلما بأن الكتاوت التيتانيه مستقره داخل الزﻻبيه ؟!

ahmed salah
إن شاء الله وألف ألف مبروك :P
Liked by: ahmed salah Magdy

How would you describe your style?

Anything which comes under creativity describes "Yara Yasser", Alhamdulilah :3 ❤

ليه عملت اسك؟

I created ask.fm because I thought many people would ask me :P
At that time all I was looking for was fame and popularity. However, this desire changed.
I guess ask.fm is all about looking to how people treat you without viewing their name, it's like knowing a person's true inner personality when he's under anonymous.
& never judge a book by it's cover :) because a person can have lots of beauty on the outside but not on their inside.
Liked by: MoCa

Y3nii eh fansign ..

When someone really likes your account over ask.fm they ask for a "fansign".
It's like writing their name in a creative way and posting them on their wall :3
Akonohom men el mo3gabeek beek/beeky ya3nii :P
Liked by: MoCa


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