Ask @baekjei

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16 kak jey

16. 3 things you are proud of about your personality
- Can maintain the cold image when alone, it often saves me from criminal actions, seriously
- Fearless, believe me
- Systematic and quick

Wait it feels like answering SWOT in interviews.

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jey masi mainan gak??? coba dong 30 hehehe:-p

jihaawn’s Profile Photoj i h a a n
30. What changed this month and what you hope will happen next month?

Nothing has changed! I hope something good will happen next month, like... a lot of THR?? HEHEHEHEHEHE (shameless soon-to-be 20 years-old)
Liked by: Farah Dina vil nisa

22 23 btw

waduh ada 2 wkwk okedeh kachie!!
22. 10 things about you people don't really expect

it's... hard. i'm just to open that every single thing that i do may have been expected. except...
- I may explode to the point you become scared of me (ea)
that's it ;A; tell me if i do something unexpected ya :")

23. Something you always think "what if..." about

What if I wasn't into kpop, how would my life have been? Hehehe.

11 jeyyy

11. Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is

I don't even understand what's my current relationship status??
I... feel like I'm someone's or I have someone but.... I don't know?? It's just too complicated. Blergh. (no, it's not about baekhyun guys really)
Liked by: vil

2 dong jei

2. How have you changed in the past 2 years?

Gue sudah berubah menjadi wanita yang lebih....
lebih rajin pake lipstick.

He engga deng. Ya alhamdulillah sudah bisa membedakan mana yang baik dan tidak.
Liked by: céline

28 jey

28. The month you were happiest this year and why

But this year hasn't ended yet... so... I can't decide yet...

25 kakjei?

25. 10 ways to win your heart

HAHAHAHA OMG. WHY. I'm confused....
ok I'll try. It's for boys, right?
1 Be good to kids, because I love kids a lot, especially boys who are close with kids.
2 Dress nicely, it doesn't have to be neat, I just don't really like boys who dress messily.
3 Able to play any music instrument
4 Good in picking topics for discussion
6 Be good to your parents, because once I know that a boy has a bad behavior to his parents, no matter how cute or how nice he is, he'll be blacklisted
7 Clean, you can interpret it in your own way
10 I don't know. I'M CONFUSED. I just follow my heart when it comes to this.

8 :)

8. Something you're currently worrying about

My GPA ㅠㅠ And how much credits would I be able to take in the next semester. The fourth semester was messed up ㅠㅠ
Liked by: RANI

17 dong kak:3

17. Things that make you scared

Ancient-European ghosts, LIKE SERIOUSLY THEY'RE SO FREAKING SCARY, especially when they start to smile, wtf.
Frogs, I am so disgusted to frogs to the point I feel scared when they're near. I once nearly cried when I heard their voice, yes, THEY, because there are so many voices like a choir. God.
Darkness, it's not that I can't stand darkness but I can't help thinking about scary things in darkness. I often imagine about creepy stuffs as well when it's dark. And I hate it.

19 gimana kak? Is that everything about exo, esp baekhyun?

19. Something that never fails to make you feel better

Yea, EXO is one of them since they are my sweet as escape hehehehe.
The other one is music, any music, I always feel better when I listen to music.
And sleep of course, erghhhh sLEEP IS THE BEST!

Nomor 6 kak... (jawabannya pasti baekhyun) (sotoy) (tapi iya kan kak)

6. The person you like and why you like them

hhe... kok tau sih :(
ah yaudalah ga jadi jawab baekhyun.
but I don't know, I don't have any real life crushes at this time.
So, BAEKHYUN! Because he's cute.

How about number 1 kak? Anyway, have a great day kak!

Have a great day too! ^^
1. Weird things you do when you're alone

I.... talk to my dolls.
Or dance randomly to any music, like, seriously, really, randomly, you wouldn't wanna see.
Or doing karaoke, and record it with my laptop. And I have never looked normal in all of my karaoke videos. you wouldn't wanna see (2).
Liked by: nisa


13. A date you would love to go on

A cute date! I don't mind being dragged to any places (as long as it's safe), whether it's a shopping mall or a zoo, as long as we can hold hands while walking together, chatting about important or unnecessary things, laughing at cheap jokes together, and.... eat ice cream, I WILL BE REALLY HAPPY.

nomor 7 kak?

7. Your opinion on cheating on people

In relationship, I think there should be no cheating, actually. Because when you cheat, it means the feelings you once had for your lover has moved to another one. You can't love two person at once, even if you can, you'd hurt one of them unknowingly.
Liked by: avik

Nomor 15 ka ? have a nice day btw!

Aww thanks! You too♡
15. The best thing to happen to you this week
First, being able to have more time to gather with my family 'cause it's Ramadhan! To be very honest, in our usual days, we're just too busy (or I am?) so that we can only talk on dinner :(
Second, Serotones got the runner-up position for Bigbang M Cover! It's such a surprise! Everyone in it has done their best♥
Third, I FINALLY WATCH MINIONS!!! And have the Minion toys from Happy Meal! YIPPIEEEEE.
Fourth, KaiBaek in ASC. Thank you ASC ;A;
That's it! Hope y'all have your own best things too :)
Liked by: avik

jeyi kok cantik sih?

thanks to Allah... mom... dad... and vscocam.

BTW!!! main ini yuk (biar kekinian), silahkan pilih mau nomor berapa, nanti kujawab, daripada ngebaper mulu bosyen kaaan~
Liked by: Seruni

nama gak penting, kirain kepo gitu liat ava aku huhu padahal pengen bikin cemburu.

teddy bear
wkwk aku ga liat avatar askfm kamu.....
udah liat sih skrg hahahaha gapapa lg! :")


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