
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Best Eminem flow/cadence? I think his best one was around the Eminem Show,8 mile(01-05) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsO2GoNJBaU I like the slow groove in his cadence. I like when he lost the weird accent from the SSLP-1/2 MMLP. Was the Accent fake cuz Real Slim Shady & Way I Am sound different?

I haven't liked any Eminem music since The Eminem show. I've never much liked the "angry Em" flow and I hate his production. Sorry.

Dimension W eh? Sounds like an decent show to join the lineup. Never heard anything about the show, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out

Check it out, I hope you like it.
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Are simuldubs or dub premiers within a year like Dimension W, Akame Ga Kill, Parasyte, and SAO S2 the goal you guys are striving for with show aquisitions? Its very impressive looking over the list of new shows and how quickly the turn around is from Japanese premier to Dub premier

As always, the goal is to try to achieve a good mix of popular, even "classic" titles, overlooked gems, and newer shows, because these days to survive we have to be a little bit of everything to everyone! Thanks.

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Dimension W is an interesting choice. Show wasn't even on my radar. XD I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about it before. Looking forward to discovering it! So, since this is a simuldub that you've been working on for awhile, what kinds of stuff did Funi show you to sell you on it?

Alex Peal
Thanks! I would urge you to watch next week's episode of Pre-Flight, we discuss how we ended up picking up the show, and our thoughts about it, there- as well as show a clip or two! 👍🏼

Has anyone ever told you that you're too old to watch cartoons? And if so, what was your response? I'm not saying you are. I'm just curious if you've ever been told that.

I have been told that, usually by joyless blowhards. And my answer is always the same: I'm not telling YOU what to watch, don't tell me what NOT to.

Why is there hate for igpx?

Well, everyone doesn't have to like IGPX. I'm glad some people do, but it's far from a perfect show and I don't blame anyone who would say "this isn't for me."

Does "electronica" describe something different from what "electronic" or "electronic music" do? Why does this term even exist?

It's a dumb term invented by marketers to make "electronic music" more palatable.

What kind of artists do you use during Pre-Flight? I hear Devoe, RTJ, Gene The Southern Child, etc.

We use all the music we use on the air, so yeah- that list and a whole lot more!

Do you feel the MCU shared universe concept plagues the Arrowverse the way it does for Marvel? Having the Flash as one spinoff is one thing, but then Legends of Tomorrow was made, then Constantine was incorporated post-humorously into the universe, and now Flash and Supergirl are having a crossover.

I think the "shared universe" concept in film makes every film less than it could be, and exists only to serve capitalism and fanboys, and is a terrible innovation. What you will see is the gnarled messy continuity issues comics have, and "resettings" etc will become more common.

While it's nice Toonami is starting to be a worldwide thing again with channels in the French-speaking and Asian countries, do you feel they're lacking the true Toonami spirit you guys have been keeping since the beginning?

Honestly, I'm just happy to see it keep growing and I hope they succeed. I love knowing something I co-created is in several other countries.

How come when it's on demand naruto shippuden has its intro?

Because obviously, on demand, there isn't the same issue of commercial time to deal with, therefore nothing needs to be shortened.

obviously you're not a douche. but on social media you often come off as jaded, irritable and impatient, do you think this is a reflection of your true personality, or is it just because you use twitter/Ask to vent?

I'm sure it is an aspect of my personality. I don't really care how it rubs people, either. If you're not smart enough to see all the times I promote my friends, good work from others, answer tons and tons of questions from people (doing my best to give them a sincere, thoughtful answers), etc- and if you don't think that balances out my grumpiness, annoyance at stupid fake shit, etc- then it's easy! This is voluntary. Just unfollow. I won't mind at all! I'm not some fake ass executive who is going to feed people shit and always toe the line. If you want a plastic person, they're out there- I'd suggest following them instead. 👍🏼

You're not a "grumpy douche." You like everybody else has an opinion. There's no reason you should be talked to like this at all. People should be thankful for all the happiness you've given them through Toonami.

Well, thanks for saying so.


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