
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Well the majority of last holidays months movies were reruns, so...

Liked by: The KJK!

You say there won't be movies because we didn't watch them, but last years movie month was almost completely reruns, of course people didn't watch. I think the marathons are overdone too, 8 weeks is still 2 full months out of the already snail paced block.

Yeah and as I've said MULTIPLE times, we can't afford brand new movies that likely won't do much better anyway. That would actually take money away from new SERIES which is what we really need. Don't like marathons? That's okay, don't watch em! We have to do what every other network does on holidays... Very few new eps of anything. There's a reason. Ppl do. Not. Watch. On. Holidays. We are in the VOLUME business. Our "snail paced" block is doing just fine with the way we are approaching programming, anon. We aren't changing this policy any time soon. Wanna help Toonami? Watch some of the marathons of the shows you like, that would be great. It's 7 or so times a year, I don't know any network that brings new eps of any show EVERY WEEK ALL YEAR. I promise, we're doing everything it's in our power to do.

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Liked by: Blanchard Duelist

Don't mean to be disrespectful or anything, but can we please stop with all the marathons? Seeing as we're not getting movies anymore, does that mean we should expect 2-4 weeks of marathons?

Nope marathons it will be, sorry. They hold better ratings than movies, but don't require us to burn off new episodes on nights when way less people will be watching. And they don't cost us money, which means we can save for new eps of shows down the line. It's not changing. Think of it this way- if, out of 52 nights of the year, 8 of them are marathons, is it really that big of a deal? I would love to have done movies, but none of you guys watched them! So...

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Why do you think Lupin has always struggled in the US? It has a fanbase, but almost every serious attempt to market it here disappoints.

Too old.

Back to back here, what's your favorite White Stripes & Smashing Pumpkins' albums?

White Stripes first three records and their live album are all great if you want some decent blooz rock. The only Smashing Pumpkins I've ever fucked with are Siamese Dream and Pisces Iscariot.

What [as] is doing to move the ball of consciousness and creativity?

I'm not even sure what the hell this question means, but I can say with 100% accuracy that there is no more creative or risk-taking network that the one I work for, period.
Liked by: Alex J

Do you have any favorite books this year?

Best new book I've read this year hands down is "A Brief History of Seven Killings" by Marlon James.

is preflight going to be about intruder 2 this week?

Nope, we do premiere the promo for the Intruder comic though, and at the end of the broadcast we run the remastered original Intruder!. Next week we will devote more time to the making of Intruder 2, and over the next few weeks we'll have some behind the scenes stuff to share as well.
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

What are a few of your favorite Bond theme songs?

I'm not really a fan of the Bond themes but obviously, "Diamonds Are Forever," "A View to a Kill" and "Live and Let Die" are all classics.

Intruder 2 looks great from the promo. I'm so pumped that we are seeing promos every almost every commercial break! Could never tell it cost less than the original. Was it hard to stay in budget this time like last or is it just easier and cheaper to make great looking CG?

No, it was very very time consuming and difficult to pull off what we have with the budget we had, for sure. Thanks for the nice words!

What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?

We have been taking scary movies all month on Toonami Pre-Flight, you really should go watch the archived eps on Toonami.com and you'll get some of these answers!


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