
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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So I ended up failing one of my initial goals (though I was really close to accomplishing it), yet somehow I don't feel so beat up about it. Heck I even feel more determined than before to give 120% for next time. You know what I mean?

Learning from failure is absolutely one of the most important factors in success. Keep it up.

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Do you have any examples of rappers that you didn't like or even hated in the beginning but grew to like/love? Future is that guy for me, I can't really get into anything of his pre-Monster, aside from "Turn on the Light" and "Shit".

Funnily enough I had a hard time getting into Future too. I bought "Pluto" when it came out, gave it a spin and wasn't interested. I came back to it when they re-released it 8 months or so later with a revised track order, and somehow it clicked and I fell in love with the music. I love happy, singing Future as much as sad, trappin Future, personally. But I think he's an acquired taste- or used to be!

I don't know if you would care about this, but I want to ask you something. Why would a game that's aimed towards adults have a show that's aimed towards kids? (I'm talking about the Mortal Kombat cartoon, but they may be others)

Eh why not? You can make a good kids cartoon out of an "adult" property and vice versa. Marvel cartoon, Marvel movie. Etc.

Do you ever listen to music when grinding in some work by yourself? If so what do you recommend that's not to distracting but rather motivational?

I listen to music to work every day, all day. Can't give you a rec because I don't find any of it distracting...
Liked by: Andrew Montes

Any particular favorite James Bond flicks of yours?

I like all the Connerys, also have a soft spot for A VIEW TO A KILL and FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, and I like the Craig Bond films aight.

I was at a mcdoanlds with my parents and we were speaking spanish. I' originally from colombia. I women sitting nearby goes on a rant about us not speaking english and called us mexicans and stuff. Why do things like this keep happening? is it cause I live in North Carolina?what should I do?

Racism happens everywhere man. And there's nothing you can do about it besides live your life and try not to let it get you down. The best thing about the U.S. is the incredible amount of diverse cultures that all live here. You have to not let these assholes get you down. I can only imagine how it must feel to be treated like that, and I can't tell you how to live but I will say: fuck that lady and anyone like her. Never let anyone try to put you down for who you are. YOU and your family know she was full of shit, and don't ever take that. I'm giving you incredibly simplistic advice to a very complex issue, I know, but as a white male, I have only the shadow of an inkling of what other races/cultures etc deal with when it comes to bigotry. Good luck

Now there's a new Adventure Time promo that says it'll air at 8 next week, how long will CN be keeping the slot?

No idea. Probably not more than a month or two, like last year.

Do we have to watch intruder 1 to understand intruder 2?

Nope! But if you want to catch up, there are remastered versions of it on YouTube!

I think maybe Carter meant how you said that some scenes were removed or whatever because they "didn't work". Unless those never got to full production phase. I would hate to never see some TOM animation that was made or something tho

Never got into animation phase. Budget is way too tight to cut things we took to animation.

I have experience in A&R, most recently leading AudioCommon's Talent Discovery & Artist Relations department, and have been a fan for a while. Is there any way that I could speak with you regarding joining the Williams Street family in a similar capacity?

Williams Street Records doesn't put out actual albums for sale any more, we just release free music. We aren't hiring, sorry.
Liked by: dc4werld

Was in a car accident yesterday. My car is totaled, but I'm alright save for a scratched eyeball, mild concussion, and some scratches/bruises. It was my fault, and the other driver had to be airlifted. No word on her condition. I'm 21, have no money/job, & no idea how to get through this.

That's horrible, I'm sorry. I can't offer much besides condolences. I think you should stick close to friends and family, and/or see a therapist, if that's within your means. And of course, since you know it was your fault, be ready to fully assume the burden your insurance will place on you as a result. It's probably time to think about a job, so you can pay that insurance. If you were driving without it... you're in real trouble and need to find yourself some legal advice. Good luck.

Thanks for the honesty man, I appreciate it. I'm aiming for it regardless of racial ignorance, idc and with tremendous hardwork, smart maneuvering and like you said very tough skin I guess we'll see what happens..thanks again.

FlyGuySempai’s Profile PhotoTha Rich Man
Good luck to you!
Liked by: Tha Rich Man


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