
Timothy Eggert

Ask @dangertim

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What goal do you think humanity isn’t focused enough on achieving?

MichallaTbh’s Profile PhotoMichalla
Climate change mitigation. We should have been working on this for the past 50 years and have done virtually nothing. We’re already seeing the destructive effects of a warming climate.

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What time do you like to wake up on weekends?

Waking me up on the weekends is like trying to wake the dead unless I have a gig that day.

what do you like to do on your free time and whoa

Normally I don’t have a bunch of free time, but I came into a batch of it recently. I like to say I’ve spent it reading, but I’ve been super tired/sick lately, so I eat up a lot of time napping and sleeping in. When awake and alone, I binge paranormal investigation shows, all flavors of Star Trek, and classic Doctor Who. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen cleaning and prepping salads for the week’s lunches.
I’m gonna have to get back on stage pretty soon because I’m starting to get cabin fever.
Liked by: Sasha Monjaras
+1 answer Read more

What exactly is a doctorate in Candy Floss? (asking for a friend)

It’s a credential available only from Prydon Academy on Gallifrey. It’s worth noting that “candy floss” (or “cotton candy” in some cultures) is rare outside the Earth, yet studied in intense scrutiny by time-sensitive species.
The Time Lords of Gallifrey have a particular interest, as Gallifreyans ferment certain types of sugar internally as part of their ordinary metabolic processes.
In short, whereas a human being may only get a sugar rush and quick crash from candy floss, the substance has a similar effect to alcohol intoxication on the brain of a Time Lord or Time Lady.
Studies continue, but the intoxicating effect appears to be a reaction between candy floss and ingesting the Elixir of Life as provided by the Sisterhood of Karn. If the subject has regenerated frequently, it has been known that larger amounts of Elixir will be collected in various organs, which only intensifies the effect - especially if one or more incarnations has been triggered through artificial means. Gallifreyans who are not Time Lords and therefore have not regenerated or travelled through time, appear to only gain a short period of mild intoxication, which appears to support the hypothesis that Karn’s Elixir of Life is required in conjunction with candy floss for severe intoxication. Time Lords enjoying candy floss have reported that at times they can “see scents or sounds” and have the ability to break free from time loops at will.
There are of course, unpleasant side effects to candy floss intoxication, as Time Lords discovered under the influence inside the Citadel have known to be arrested by the Chancellery Guard*. Also, Time Lords in this state are advised not to operate Time Travel Capsules or other multi-dimensional machinery, and to avoid danger, as excess amounts of candy floss in the bloodstream may inhibit a Time Lord’s ability to regenerate.
*footnote: One famous case is of course Theta Sigma (aka the Doctor) vs. Borusa, which ended in academic disciplinary action and the invention of the bootstrap paradox.

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Liked by: Melissa Cummins

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

Ouch. I’m not perfect but I do try to think before I act. Sometimes I screw it up. Sometimes I can’t anticipate every consequence. But generally I try to be conscientious.

have you ever been to disneyland/world? how many times? what's your favorite thing about the park?

Only been to Disneyland once and it was for my honeymoon. I loved it. We must’ve gone on the Indiana Jones ride six times. I wasn’t expecting to collect pins, but I have a dozen or so from that trip. Truly magical.

What would you do if you found a Gremlin in your microwave?

Freak out about the karmic significance of that moment.

What has happened to this society ?

Not only a lack of education, but a lack of RESPECT for education is a big part of our problems today. When people value opinions over facts, life becomes dangerous. Demagogues and trolls are waging a war against expertise, and it’ll probably take a generation to deprogram half of the population, or perish trying.
Liked by: Melissa Cummins

An original way to attract a guy's attention?

Tell him you’re from another planet, and that you will melt his brain unless he takes your mom out to the school dance this wee— wait, no, that’s BACK TO THE FUTURE, sorry.


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