
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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remember the corrupted intruder 2 bumpers from last year? are we gonna see them again in intruder 3 and be more terrifyingly creepy as ever?

I'm glad you liked them but that was last year and that was then and this Intruder is a new thing. Tune in and see!

Hey man, In industries like the music industry and Hollywood are there rituals done for people with less talent to make their way up to the top? Do things like that happen? Have you experienced or know someone who has experienced this?

"Rituals"? Like some Illuminati shit? No. People succeed in all kinds of ways in media, talent isn't even the most common. It can be about who you know, how hard you work, sheer luck, some leverage you might have, but there's no "ritual" that's nonsense.

https://instagram.com/p/rBG8Cmj_9n/ Could you please help me identify the music to this bump? It's been paining me for years. I've checked the bump music forums, sound hound, midori, etc. but all to no avail

Sorry I have no idea. Sounds like Turner Library music but I really don't know. Maybe one of my followers will, I'll post this on Twitter.

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Do you find the new trend of fans calling celebrities "mommy" and "daddy" creepy, or even just annoying?

It's a little of both I think. I despise celeb worship and star fucking, whether ironic or sincere.

Are the music videos acquired and aired on Toonami paid for using any of Toonami's acquisition budget?

Sketch1984’s Profile PhotoSketch
No. We don't pay for any music videos we air. The Skinner video was something Adult Swim helped fund, but that's a very rare example and did not come from Toonami's budget at all.
Liked by: Sakyo Kuroyami

How would you rank High On Fire's albums?

Death is the Communion > Blessed Black Wings > Snakes for the Divine > Surrounded by Thieves > Luminiferous > De Vermiis Mysteriis > The Art of Self-Defense > High on Fire EP > Spitting Fire Live Vols 1 & 2 > Live From the Relapse Contamination Festival

I was on a reality TV show where I was encouraged to act in a certain way by producers. They edited the show in a way that made me look like I was an idiot. This aired on national TV. Why is the reality TV industry to fake?

Well I'm sorry you found this out the hard way, but listen: all tv is fake. All of it. The news, sports, reality shows, there's an element of storytelling viewers respond to that networks have to inject into all of it. Anything you watch, do so with an awareness that a story is being shaped for you and you're not seeing everything.

This more directed to that guy who asked "why records?" but a lot of times the vinyl will use a separate, more dynamic master while the digital version uses a squashed / compressed / "Loudness War" victim master. I've tried this comparison on my Mastodon records and the difference is night & day.

Also true.

Wait a second. Is AS losing it's 8 PM hour on the 26th? And is this permanent?

I'm not sure of the date but yeah I believe we will lose the 8pm hour for a while, just like last year and the year before. And just like those years, it will be back.
Liked by: Sakyo Kuroyami Rich

Psyched for Gears of War 4? What's your take on the franchise? (If you ever played it) I know I am after that Horde Mode 3.0 trailer.

I'm not really a big Gears fan tbh. Played the first two, never bothered with the third one. I'll wait for reviews.

How you noticed any trends in what you seem to love in music?

Yes. I've moved away from loving guitar based music as much as I once did. I still like and enjoy plenty of bands but I find myself generally more excited by electronic music and rap... Otherwise, in any genre, I continue to like artists who I feel push something forward- an idea, a style, whatever.

Why do you think the anticipation for Blond(e) became what it did? Frank Ocean hardly disappeared - quite a few features and songwriting credits between 2012 and now - and 4 years isn't even that long!

People are entitled babies and in this era of the short attention span, it's an incredible shock when an artist doesn't drop AT LEAST one project a year to stay top of mind. Try being a Sadé fan sometime, lol!

Do you have any thoughts or feelings about the Anohni record from this year?

Yeah I really dig the production and I like the first half a lot, when "OOOOOBAMAAAA" comes on I sometimes cut it off, though. I don't mind the political stuff generally, but the back half of that record is kinda rough.

I feel like CN doesn't seem to act like they value having Pokemon. Doesn't that seem a little weird given the upswing with GO and the new games coming out this year?

I dunno man I don't work for CN. I don't know what you mean about not "valuing Pokemon" and I think you should worry about other things. Pokemon don't need your help, or CN's.
Liked by: Evil Steve Miles

I'm not the guy who asked but if I may pose an argument, In my various experiences with tickets, pleading guilty and going to court has resulted in either quite a reduction in the fine or the case being thrown out. Do you not feel it is worth the hassle?

Hm let's see, trucking my ass to court early in the morning, waiting for a minimum of an hour, listening to every other dipshit try to explain their way out of a fine to a tired, usually annoyed judge, to then POSSIBLY MAYBE save some amount of money? Yeah...pass.

Got a speeding ticket for going 65 in a 55. Any advice? Should I just pay the fine or should I go to traffic court and try to keep it off my driving record?

Never go to court. Pay the fine and move on, man. Next time don't speed. It's pretty cut and dried.

Recently I was "debating" with a friend about Ye and if he's a musical genius (I said he is), and I was getting annoyed because his only argument was the whole "I dislike his character" thing, which I'm really tired of hearing. Why do people act like Kanye is the only artist with an ego?

Short answer is that he's a very famous black man and this is a racist country. Long answer is that he continues to show a pattern of purposeful disruption of any field he's in, both intentionally and unintentionally ruffling feathers. I love him, I think he's a genius, I think he sometimes says and does really dumb weird shit the way all geniuses do.

Why do you buy records, can't you get the songs on itunes? Is it just for nostaligia?

I would think this should be obvious to any thinking person, but I'll explain so I never get this question again. The answer is twofold: a) not all music is available digitally, believe it or not. B), some music just sounds better to me with the warmth of vinyl and a really good sound system (this includes new music). Way better than the limited frequency range of an MP3.
No nostalgia involved. 👍🏼
Liked by: Joshua Telemaque

do you hate battlefield? it got good reviews.

The new one? Isn't the beta the only thing out? How can it be getting great reviews? I don't hate it, I haven't played it. Not really a Battlefield guy.

Honestly, maybe this is a stupid question and I'm just an idiot, but why is it that Turner Classic Movies has stayed true to its roots and mostly plays nothing but classic movies, but Cartoon Network can't air both a mix of new and old cartoons any longer? Even at 6AM?

It's not a stupid question but you're definitely comparing apples to oranges. TCM's mission has ALWAYS BEEN old movies, so their older audience is not a problem. They're also commercial free, which means they don't have to worry about advertising dollars and selling against a demographic delivery target. Their programming is also cheap, because old movies are not in demand.
Contrast this with Cartoon Network- whose mission is to deliver shows to KIDS, ages 6-11 years old. Anything that doesn't appeal to that demo isn't helping with that mission. Any show that delivers older demos means they have to explain to advertisers why they aren't delivering the demos the advertiser is PAYING FOR. You can't expect a network whose job is to appeal to kids, to appeal to older people at the same time. Not an ad based network, anyway. You grew up, but Cartoon Network is still talking to 6-11 year olds.
Hope that makes sense.

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Since you still buy a good bit of physical media, what's your storage situation look like? A lot of bookcases?

I only have two book cases but they are HUGE. Not counting the entire wall of comics and manga in my office, haha. In terms of Blus etc I have a couple hundred but not THAT many. And I only have like 200 records on vinyl. That collection will get no larger. I remove records and get rid of em when I buy new ones.


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