
Natal [Nat. ♥]

Ask @nathiagrey

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are you kidding me? sure, when it starts to "i think beth is going to die" - when desi was so upset, we were like: i dont give a damn.

misslanzelord’s Profile PhotoSaffy
you're sure that this was me? oO I mean it sounds like me.. but that doesn't mean that I didn't like her in the end. For me that's two different things. I can give a damn about a characters death but I can like the character.
I can't remember it. Sorry.

this is... i don't know, becuase I'm prettey sure, after she got kidnapped, and after the episode about her in the hospital, we were still the same opinion.

misslanzelord’s Profile PhotoSaffy
We never talked about those episodes. o.O

you are not really take care of the walking dead, that you are watching it for decoration in your fandom list. And don't get me wrong, I know how you think about the walking dead, and you never take care of any of it. And suddenly you like beth? you didnt, we talked about it.

misslanzelord’s Profile PhotoSaffy
true. I don't really "take care" of Walking Dead (like I said I'm a few more episodes behind and it isn't my favorite show, you know that) and I didn't like her in the beginning but till the end I began to like her.

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wait... what? this is... what? I mean, if my favorite character dies, i would freak out, i would yelling at my screen, with tears in the eyes, like i did, when hershel died, i was so done, and he wasn't even my favoirte character. How is daryl your favorite, if you dont even care, if he dies?

because TWD isn't my FAVORITE TV show. Yes, he's ONE of my fave characters (from many) but TWD isn't MY favorite TV Show. I don't get it why it's so important to you how I would react about something. I mean I get that he isn't your most loved character, but why do I have to justify myself? we all react differently. I also didn't freak out when Dean died.. (okay, that's a lame comparison because he died so many times) but for example I didn't freak out when Tommy (Arrow) died and he was definitely besides Oliver one of my all time faves.

http://ask.fm/nathiagrey/answer/124788663615 <- before some people think...

nathiagrey’s Profile PhotoNatal [Nat. ♥]
...that I don't care about the others in The Walking Dead or Gotham. I also do like them. for example Selina Kyle from Gotham (she's pretty cool tho and I like her attitude) and also in The Walking Dead I do like the others (I adore Meggie and Glenn together and Glenn is great tho). A friend of mine told me that it may seem like I don't care about the others: and that's not true.
I hope I made myself clear now. (:

so you would freak out if he dies, right?

honestly: no I wouldn't. If he dies, he dies. so many people died in twd (beth for example and I really liked her too) but I wouldn't freak out and stop watching it. gotta say I'm a few episodes behind, so I can't really say something about the newer episodes, so..

It's easy why not. Look at him, what did he for the group? what? Okay, he saved carol once, but it was her luck to ran to him. It's a crying baby, that acting like he has so much to handle, to deal with it, he gets more silence, after every fucking episode, he is useless. And thumb up, if he dies.

you have your opinion and I have mine (:

no, seriously why daryl? what do you like about him?

his honesty for example?
he's caring.. he's brave.. he's just amazing tho.
I do like everything about him.
and most important: he has a crossbow xD
no srsly, why not?

Who are your favorite characters in ALL shows you watch?

Oh.. that'll be a loooong list.
- Dean
- Sam
- Bobby (R.I.P :()
- Kevin (R.I.P. :()
- I do like Crowley
Teen Wolf
- Stiles
- Lydia
- Malia
- Isaac
- Chris Argent
Switched at Birth
- Bay
- Emmett
- Regina
Grey's Anatomy
- Mark
- Lexie
- Jo
- Alex
- George
- Kenna
- Bash
- Francis
- Mary
The Walking Dead
- Daryl
- Felicity
- Diggle
- Oliver
- Roy
- John Gordon
The Flash
- Barry
- Caitlin
I definitely forgot someone or some show.

I told you! This is the right dicission! You will feel better, believe me!

misslanzelord’s Profile PhotoSaffy
you were right. ♥ And I hope that I'll feel better. :*
Liked by: Saffy


nathiagrey’s Profile PhotoNatal [Nat. ♥]
I’m done.
You wanna know what really bothers me? Okay, here we go, I’ll tell you the whole truth.
People who acted like my friends. I was there for you, every single time you needed me. I helped you with everything you’ve been asking for. I did what I could to get you out of your misery and for what? That you treat me like an idiot? That you didn't even have the courage to talk to me? I thought I could change something, turn it into something better, but now I know I was wrong.
And here is my decision: I don’t want this anymore. I don’t wanna be the person I am now. Because this isn’t really me. I did that way to often. Trying to help people I cared for and then got stabbed behind my back. I gave you a lot of time to talk to me, gave you the opportunity to explain it to me, but you didn't even care. I’m done. I’m done being this little b*** who you thought I am.
I’m sick and tired of this shit.
I’m done
and hell I don't even care what the others are thinking about me now. I just had to get it out of my chest.

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I get why they do that to people get dvds but the things that real fans get the dvds anyway and those who dont want\can't waste money on that wont buy it anyway and will watch it illegal there is always be the way to cheat cause it in human nature what you can't get even more attractive

iliriea’s Profile PhotoJanna(iliriea)
What a word. Nothing to add here. You totally made a point.
Liked by: Janna(iliriea)

I live in moldova for now all ruswebs are in free access and I speak russian and watch shows in rus too ofc can watch in eng too and i only say that it pointless because there is ways to monetize sites (like youtube do)and owners of material get money from these who promote their product around vid

iliriea’s Profile PhotoJanna(iliriea)
We have something like this. Maxdome, Netflix and stuff like that but the thing is we can't watch the currently seasons. For example s10 from supernatural.
Liked by: Janna(iliriea)

Saw your conversation under by pingvi vid and I think that whole thing with torrent at your country is totally pointless but I don't know why it is how it is so can't tell smth more about that but my Q is :there at you Zona (it program similar to torrent) is illegal too?

iliriea’s Profile PhotoJanna(iliriea)
Hey hun. Well everything which contains downloading without paying is illegal in my country. It doesn't matter if it's torrent or anything similar. But to be honest I have no idea what zona is so I can't say it for sure but if it is sth like torrent then it definitely is illegal. Well, it's not really pointless. I get it you know? And I'm paying for the things I want. But the fact that Germany has to wait such a long time till we can see new seasons (example supernatural. We had to wait about 3 years (more or less) till we finally were able to watch and buy the dvd) annoys me and don't let me start talking about German dub! I hate it. So well it's not really pointless it's just annoying that we can't decide in which language we want to watch our shows. We are forced to watch the shitty German dub version -.-'

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Oh sorry I didn't know! I'm very sorry again...

It's okay! You couldn't know that! :) there's no need to be sorry about anything. :) but thank you for understanding.

I meant to your profile :D

Okay. Answering again. Stupid me. Yes I do have watt pad but I'm not really using it. And if I would I only write in my first language which is German. I'm not sure if you can understand German. And to be honest I want to keep some things private. Don't be mad and no offense but I'm sharing some things only with my closest people.

If you could change something in a tv show, what would be? :)

I would kill Castiel in Supernatural - or at least write him out. They totally destroyed him in season 6. I also would change the whole vampire diaries since s4.
Liked by: Désirée Dixon

Who are your favorites vidders?

LullabyProduction, sparksfly221, Alina0405video, TheJessy34, xXWhisperOfDreamsXx, JazziBalkan, livart, gothic007, TheBadCinderella, kindon18, ILIRIEA, ThePankee, LillDreamyProdzz, charizzzard, pteryx (unfortunately she's not vidding anymore), by pingvi, Cassaravi, xXAngelvsDevil, KristinaOrtutova, iForeverYouung, svesh95, NuurSalvatore... I could go on with the list but I guess this is enough for now (: but they're all giving me FEELS!!!

How many languages do you know? Which ones do you find useful the most? Are there any you started for your own pleasure to know the language better? Is there a language you want to know (better)?

targaryen_fire’s Profile Phototos-tos.
I know german (first language) and english. These two are the languages I speak the most. most useful is english in my opinion. I also speak a little bit russian (a few sentences / words) and I wanna know this language better because my stepmother is from there. And.. I've started english for my own pleasure haha. I've learned it in school yes, but I wasn't as good as I am now, even if I'm not perfect. I know I make some terrible grammer mistakes (@missmcsimpled89 can sing a song about that) but most people understand me.. :)

Omg YOU LUCKY BEEP! xD well what was it like? How was he? ❤

bpwinces’s Profile PhotoMazzy
He was great tho. Gotta say his personality is not that easy. I know a few people who dislike his humor but I don't care. He was caring, nice and he also was interested in his fans. When I made the photo with him, he actually asked me what happend with my hand (I had a surgerey a few weeks before the convention) and yeah.. I nearly fainted while his autographsession because the hotel couldn't handle the clima right and it was sooo embarrassing. xD
Liked by: Mazzy

Which famous person have you met or been close to?

Misha Collins,
Mark Sheppard
Ty Olsson,
Julian Richings
Kim Rhodes,
DJ Qualls,
Richard Speight Jr.
Matt Cohan,
uhm.. and a few german ones but I don't think they're famous but here we go:
Kostja Ullmann,
Till Schweiger,
Sportsfreunde Stiller, (Band)
Unheilig, (Band)
Down Below, (Band)
Panik (Band)
Elyas M. Barek...
and a few more.. I guess I forgot someone. Sorry :D

What fictional character's death hit you the hardest?

Oh damn. This is a pretty good question tho.
I don't know. Srsly it's hard.. But if I have to chose I guess I'll go with Kevin tran and bobby singer.
Liked by: Heather

(qotd) - what is the movie that you were really excited to watch, but in the end disappointed you?

ugh.. tough question...
But I think I'll go with: My Bloody Valentine.
Liked by: Janna(iliriea)

Who is your female and male crush? :)

you mean from actors?
my male "crush" changes always but I always come back to Jensen Ackles. I just adore him. His skills, his voice, just everything :) but it's more like... I don't know I wouldn't say crush at all. anyway...
and female: Holland Roden. She's a freaky fairy! I mean.. look at her. She's so damn beautiful.

What was the last argument you had?

With a friend of mine that it's her own fault that she clearly failed her exam.

who do u prefer, damon or stefan? :)

Neither. I just can't stand them. In the beginning I liked Damon but it was never more than liking and then he became annoying and Stefan.... I don't know I just don't really care about him.


Language: English