
Alicia Peachey

Ask @peachey69lel

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Ewww wtf?! NOOOOO NEVER!!!!!!!! Die! I want to poke my eyes out! That can't be unread

Jackson MC
soz ily Jackson
but lbr you're probably the only person who would say that

You have such a sexy body, it turns me on

the only person I can think of that would say that is Jackson hahaha soz ily Jackson

tbh Hannah Ana Phoebe Krisha Fahima Sabrina Branda Cathy Anne Marie Iris Joline Stella (pretty much that girl group)

can i not

Because I want you to come to Chev :(

aw ty i still want to go chev but yeah idk id probs prefer the other one

Thoughts on Emma, the new girl?

'Emma, the new girl' is a little shit and has no friends :) but shes still my favourite year 8 even though no one likes her
Liked by: Emma Hannigan

TBH- One of my closest female friends, always there for me when I need it and I appreciate that so much :) You're a total bitch to me sometimes (all the time) but youre still pretty cool regardless. Also youre the best at replying to texts I swear it is like lightning. Thanks for cheering me up :)

Aw ty. hahaha not even a bitch to you! you're welcome and same goes to you (when I text you I'm usually bored and not doing anything else) ily Stefan

Whyyyyy are you going to St pats??? :(

1. who Is this?
2. why would you care?
3. I never said I was definitely going.


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