
Alicia Peachey

Ask @peachey69lel

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Name someone you know for each letter of the alphabet

A- Ashton Rundle
B- Blake Parker
C- Caleb Boer
D- Diana Danielle
E- Emma Hanigan
F- Fahima Ahmad
G- Giani Schultz
H- Hannah Ly
I- Iris Firat (not sure how to spell it soz)
J- Jackson Marlow-Conway
K- Kate Diamond
L- Lauren Rimmer
M- Matt Crocker
N- Nymarlli Chalker
O- Oliver Disher
P- Peter Nicolaou
Q- Quyen Vo
R- Riarna Marsden
S- Samuel Koster
T- Tyson Adcock
U- Usman
V- Victoria Albertini
W- Wayde Hodges
X- Xavier
Y- Yvette Gray
Z- Zane Watson
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What should there be in a perfect day?

My friend to stop hating me, and to talk to me, and to be told that they don't actually have cancer :'(
Liked by: Sophia Baker

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What do you know that others don’t?

Idk I'm very secretive. So pretty much the majority of anything about me. And my thoughts and feelings, I keep that to myself. Fake it till you make it
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What sport do you do?

Netball, touch footy, frisbee Lolz, I used to play cricket, and I'm getting into athletics properly when the season starts up again this year.
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What cannot be forgiven?

My dad. The way he treats me and the things he says. It really hurts me and I don't think he understands. Everything mean he has ever said since I was like 4 I will always remember.
The way he treats my two eldest brothers. Just because they aren't his biological kids he treats them like scum. I still remember all the physical and verbal fights that always happened. Especially the last one when they almost broke the tv. Yes it was years ago but ever since then my respect for him has gone down. Also when my brother ran away because he was like how I am but a little worse, he wasn't going to let him come home again. The way he treats my mum also sometimes is quite rude. Not to mention the way he treats anyone else who isn't family too. And the things he says about my cousin who is diagnosed with depression and autism is horrible, he always says she is just attention seeking and she sucks up to get her own way.
I'm sorry but I can never forgive my dad.

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Liked by: Sophia Baker

What problems did you have in school?

Everything to do with school is a problem for me. I hate it and I want to leave. The only good thing about it is that I don't have to see my family
Liked by: Sophia Baker

The point is, that you don't seem like the girl who would do that thing. To scared, and to shy.

Aw who is this? hahaha I'm going to say Thankyou for thinking that I wouldn't be like that. but yes I am scared and shy hahaha tell me whose this is
Liked by: Sophia Baker

Do you believe in happy ending?

I wish there would bw a happy ending right about now. I know that. but it really depends on you and what you believe as to wether to could have a happy ending. Karma always has her day
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What are some things that make you really happy?

nothing. really. everything just keeps getting fucked around and I lose everyone who means something to me that doesn't go to Hurlstone.

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

when Kate drew me a picture of Blake to cheer me up even though she hasnt really seen what he looks like. and it was really funny. and she just always makes me smile anyway
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What is your favorite year of your life?

the first year of my life. because I was completely oblivious to the work and everything happening. my brothers looked after me and changed my nappy and fed me and my parents didn't really have to look after me. I didn't know what people thought of me. I didn't lose my closest friends. I didn't feel like shit all the time. I didn't have to worry about a single thing.
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What kind of things annoy you?

people who think they're funny but they are the only ones who ever laugh at their own jokes, people who follow me around, people that are clingy, people that copy everything you do, people that over exaggerate, people who do whatever they can for attention, people who think they're top shit and better than others, people who steak my money or food because I work my ass off for that shit, people who treat me like shit, when somebody teases me, when people compare me to people they know I hate, my family, when people stick their nose into others business, when people get involved in my relationships, when people think they know everything about any of my past relationships, when nobody recognises all the hard work I do, when I lend someone heaps of money and they don't okay me back But If I borrow $1 it's a huge deal, when I have to feed myself, when people lie and cheat, when people promise me something and then don't follow though with it.

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Liked by: Sophia Baker

What is the thing you hate the most?

The fact that Blake absolutely hates me and now he won't ever speak to me. Hahaha. And the fact that I'm still living at home

What's the best news you've ever received?

Lately it was that Blake was going to pick me up from work last night and I wouldn't have to go home for like two weeks and just get away from everything and forget about all the crap things and actually be happy once again.
Liked by: Sophia Baker

What is your least favorite beverage?

These questions are quite gay now. But probz kiwi juice or some shit like that or apple blackcurrant juice ew
Liked by: Sophia Baker


Language: English