
Alicia Peachey

Ask @peachey69lel

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there's too many people to answer this individually and have several of these.
buy they're all such perfect people! they are so nice and kind and caring and funny and pretty and athletic. and there is just everything to love about them. they all stick up for yeah other through everything and they're just really good friends to each other

What was your first mobile phone?

one of those silver Motorola flip phones in year 5 because I had to catch two busses to and from school hahaha

Who has the best sense of humor?

the girls I hang with at school (Kate, Bree, Jas and Teale) and Stefan and Jackson and Matt and myself :3

Tbh Alicia when I first came to Hurlstone I kind of knew you as the "girl from Facebook" because you used to write/comment heaps on the year 9 wall LOL. This year I started to get to know you through frisbee and you are absolutely flipping hilarious. You are so sweet and lovely and your hair is fab!

Hahahahahaha classic Hannah! Ty. my Hair is dead not fab :3 but Thankyou ily ♥

your height?

idk pretty short I guess. But I'm taller than mum and as tall as my dad (on a good day)

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

I wonder who gets the notifications from these questions... like are they going to use this against everyone?

how was your day?

um my day was alright Thankyou. i jad cheese toasties for breakfast. then got called into work. i spoke to some lovely people. i also saw some of my good friends from primary. and i saw my brothers ex who is amazig and perfect. I had fun at work and the ladies always make me laugh that work down the front with me. and then when mum got me tonight I found out I get to leave the stupid highlands bright and early in the morning!
how was your day?

Do you have tumblr and if you do, whats it's url?

I do but idk I haven't used it since year 8 and I don't know the URL lol

Hahaha I raped you :')

Aw yes you did! my phone went full spazz and wouldn't shut ip or stop vibrating :( hahaha

Aaaaw you are just too sweet! Woke up pretty good, not going to lie! Here for you anytime man!

I try, I try :)
aw yay! That's heaps good. I'm so happy for you. Good luck for today by the way!
And thank you


Language: English