
Alicia Peachey

Ask @peachey69lel

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Tbh, ugh I have known you and your family for ages. I love how we always used to go swimming together and I used to steal your brothers scooter all the time hahaha. I like how we knew each other heaps well and I miss you x

SophiaBaker’s Profile PhotoSophia Baker
Aw going swimming used to be so much fun! and that time we went to Sydney with my brother too! Aw I miss how close we used to be. and walking home with you every day, and then your mum taking you home from ours. and whenever I was at your place was so much fun. and when we went to roses! Aw I love you girl ♥

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Honest to fucking god shut the fuck up you filthy little gutter whore! No one gives a fuck about your fucking problems.

Aawwwww big boy!
haha I know... nobody gives a shit about me :)
and I have my reasons to believe that this is Jackson. Hahahahahaha big boyyyyyy
Liked by: Sophia Baker

tbh for mat aaron josh keedan eric stefan jackson

mat- he is the nicest, sweetest, kindest person I swear! he is so athletic and smart. he is good at everything and he is good to talk to and he is really fun and he is just great!
Aaron- HAHAHA fkn year 7 and 8! he is really nice when he wants to be. he is funny and his snapchats are great. mad seed though. and him and his girlfriend are heaps cute!
keedan- I haven't spoken to him before but he seems really nice and funny.
Eric- he is such a nice guy! he is beast at like every sport. he is a pretty fast runner. he is pretty funny too but we hardly talk.
Stefan- I honestly appreciate everything he has done. he has helped me out so much. he is always there for me when I need someone. Stefan is probably the nicest guy that I have ever spoken to. he has been through a lot of horrible crap at Bossley which he honestly doesn't deserve. I hope he stays in the good mood he was in when he went to sleeo when he wakes back up! I hate seeing him upset. I admire how good he is at running and any sport in general. and his contact icon for me is pretty attractive. Thankyou Stefan for helping out a brother in need :)
Jackson- he can be a huge dickhead sometimes, not gonna lie. but sometimes he can be nice when he wants to be. I used to think we were kinda close friends but he hates me. Yolo. he is pretty weird and creepy too with some of this shit he says to me. and what he has said to jas and Bree aswell lol. he is also quite sexually frustrated HAHAHA. but yeah idk we don't talk anymore :)

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Liked by: Sophia Baker

imitate fahima

*stalks people on facebook*
*stays online for ages*
*bags out fahmid*
*her cute little giggle*
remember when you would always write 'yu'
*stalks more people on facebook*
look how long my skirt is compared to jasmines
tbh with anon
*stalks more people on facebook*
(idk I don't talk to fahimmyz that often) criez
Liked by: Sophia Baker

Lol relax mate I was joking fuuarr

don't call me a fucking mate. you're on anon and chances are I hate you!
I don't care if you were joking or not. I have other shit going on and I don't need you running your mouth.
Liked by: Sophia Baker

Lol you have a crush on Stefan

Um excuse me?
I'm sorry but I did not know that talking to a guy and making sure they're okay and try and help them to be happy means that 'you have a crush on them'
There are several problems with what you said.. Three of them being that he likes someone else, I like someone else, and the fact that we are just friends.
Sorry for being there for Stefan when he needs someone to talk to and when he needs some cheering up like he is for me.
You clearly know nothing so quit running your stupid little mouth. It's quite obvious you don't know me well enough to make a judgement on who I am 'crushing' on either.

Do you have a puberty photo? (A photo before and after)

photo 1- when was like 7
photo 2- in year 7
photo 3- in year 8
photo 4&5- in year 9
photo 6, 7, 8 & 9- in year 10
Do you have a puberty photo A photo before and after
Liked by: Sophia Baker

If you were a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

These questions are getting that bad that I refuse to answer the majority of them

maybe she remembers my name from school idk????? i don't think there was many indians... UNTIL HIGH SCHOOL I ALWAYSSSS HAD WHITE FRIENDS HAHA YES HEAPS OF TIMES but idk if in pre-school.. probably HAHAHA

Idk its so weird :L
Yeah there weren't many but apparently I hung with them
And I went to a curry friends birthday party at hungry jacks :/
Liked by: Sophia Baker

aww but it was like a pre-school school photo in a group and everything.. wait how old were you then? I think I was 4? or maybe 3.. idk hahahahahhahaa i'll laugh :P i think it's funny when little kids hate eachother because they really dont know each other

I was there for some group photo idk and apparently I hung out with all the Indians and everything! HAHHAHAHA
Hahahaha OMG what even I was talking to mum about it this afternoon and she remembered your name! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Liked by: Sophia Baker

The kid in my dp is pretty cool? YOUR DP IS OF YOU #EGOTIST

BECAUSE I CHANGED IT YOU FGT! It was the cool kid I'm friends with from my camp :3 and I ceebs to change the writing now :( BULLY!
Liked by: Sophia Baker

cc for mat aaron josh keedan eric stefan jackson

Matt- Teale or Bree
Aaron- me of course #yearsevenrelationships jks him and Belinda are cute af
josh- um Sanjana or something
Keedan- idk he's too quite for me to know
Eric- Branda or Iris
Stefan- Iris or Jackson for sure
Jackson- Kate or Sabrina


Language: English