

Ask @secretlytodream

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can you please.. please do a tutorial of removing the background noise on videos... i'm begging you

I did it already, it's here http://graphicinmotion.livejournal.com/43675.html
I gotta say though - this routine works only on 32 bit OS, so since I upgraded my PC to a 64 bit system I can't really use this method anymore, cause I have to save the voice channel separately and it takes even more time and more space. If you're on a 32bit OS - then try this method. If not, I suggest you looking for something else. I know I will be doing that :)

Hey! :) Je voulais juste te dire que j'adore tes vidéos et en particulier toutes celles que tu fais sur Captain America. J'adore Steve et Bucky et tes vidéos m'aident à patienter, en attendant "Civil War"! Entre 1 et 10, à quel point es-tu excité par le film? :D (Tu peux dire 11!)

Eleven Daleks
Awww merci beaucoup! <3 ahahaha Pius-je dire 10000000? :DDDD

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What's the tv show you're completely obsessed with right now?

I'm watching Daredevil s2 right now, so I'd say that one :P
Liked by: Matt.

Are you a spideypool fan? yes, no, why? do u even know what it is or you don't care at all...? do you know any good fanfics if you're a fan..?

I like the idea, but I haven't read anything, so can't recommend anything :)

Hello! A huge fan of your videos and wanting to get into vidding myself. Any tips or suggestions on free/cheap programs (besides MovieMaker lol) for a beginner?

kelsey4ler’s Profile PhotoKelsey Forler
Sony Vegas is a good one to start, I'm not sure how expensive it is though.
Liked by: Kelsey Forler

Is there any way to use clips from a movie you own by putting the DVD in your computer? Or do you have to download all your clips?

I'm sure there is, but I personally never did that so I have no idea how to do that, sorry.
Liked by: Kelsey Forler

Because i was just going through my old vids & talked about it to Aneta the other day .. How many vids did you edit in total? How many per fandom/what is your most vidded fandom? How many of those videos are actually online today, or rather did you remove some?

Dear Lord save us all haha Ok! So I actually had to pull up EVERYTHING to count and track down the exact number of videos!
A couple of things: I've been vidding since october-november 2007, and I mainly made Supernatural videos. Besides the general videos i also made a bunch of trailers for fics/challenges/events, opening credits, you name it. The majority of my videos is still online on my YouTube channel, but a lot of them have been deleted over the years for different reasons: either it was blocked, the sound was blocked or I just decided that I didn't like the video anymore and deleted it. Granted, I haven't deleted anything in the last couple of years, so I don't even remember what there and what's not anymore. My personal LJ and my LJ community has all the posts in case someone wanted to track all those down xD
I ALSO have a doomed folder called "Dropped". There are 92 projects with various stages of progress. Some of those video are pretty much finished, too, but somehow I never got around to posting it. Needles to say, it's a cemetery.
So, here's the numbers so far:
- 286 Supernatural vids in total
- 9 J2 videos
- 2 remastered videos
- 28 "other tv shows" videos
- 1 multifandom (lol fail)
- 2 collabs (those are super old)
- 43 movie videos, 25 of those are Captain America (lol oh boy)
ALL IN ALL: 371 videos. *thud*

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Liked by: Pteryx Eloisa ♥ Matt.

Добрый вечер. Хотела узнать насчет фанфика Snake eyes по Стаки х) Он переведен? Если да, можно ссылочку? Если есть такая возможность, конечно же) Заранее спасибо

На сколько я знаю, его никто не брал на перевод к сожалению.

О.. Ой. Не знала, что Вы знаете русский) Ну, я просто видела вопрос от анона, который спрашивал про звуковые эффекты. В общем, я к тому, что можно найти сайт с ними и оттуда скачать. Я просто сама тоже видео делаю.)

Marie_Zv’s Profile PhotoGabriel.
Если кто ещё спросит, буду иметь ввиду, спасибо ))
Liked by: Gabriel.

What program do you use to create your videos? And where do you get the clips from? Thanks xx

Sony Vegas and the Internet :)

Thata Wants To Know: Do you drink vodka/beer or smoke marijuana? If yes, did you felt inspired to a new video when you were high? I know i did. lol

thaiscollywogs’s Profile PhotoThata
I'm Russian, so I let you guess that one. And yes, more often than not I have an urge to vid when I'm a bit tipsy.

QOTD: When working on a project do you put the coloring on each clip or on the track? Why?

ViddersQuestionOfTheDay’s Profile PhotoVidder's Question Of The Day
Each clip because I always need to fix it depending on how light/dark each clip is. I usually use "sharpen" on a whole track though.

sorry if you've been asked this before, but how do you make your videos so hd? and where do yo download tv shows or movies high quality without it being mkv format?

I use HD or half HD footage if I have a choice, and usually it's always mkv so I have to convert it to some other format. It's a pain and it's a process and it takes so much more time than I'd like, but it's worth it in the end.

hey now! just wondering what may really make you to quit vidding or simply leave youtube?

Real life I guess? But if I reach the point where I don't have time for YT I would seriously need to reconsider my life choices because wtf. I don't want/plan on leaving it any time soon though I've been toying with some thoughts about how I want to change things up a bit. I want to create more content and make more things and at the same time there are so many things I want to watch daily, too. So for now - no leaving :)
Liked by: Heather

Love your video about Winchesters "Supernatural | The Speck Of Our Souls" very much. Great work!) And used it for my group about brothers, added your utube link also) About sounds effects for anon question. Was site and there were some sounds effects. Free torrent downloading as I remember)

Marie_Zv’s Profile PhotoGabriel.
Спасибо! Но не совсем поняла вопрос/совет? Найти нужно тороент со звуковыми эффектами? Дать ссылку на урок по звуку 5.1? Или что-то другое?

Being a huge fan of you and this show, just curious if you watch person of interest and if there's ever a chance you might make a vid? Again, huge fan ;)

Level7Productions’s Profile PhotoAlexis
Aww thanks so much!! Haven't watched the show yet but but I've stumbled in a couple of videos recently, looks good. Maybe if or when I have more free time I'll check it out :)
Liked by: Heather Alexis

what's up with the lack of castle in your videos?

I guess the same thing that has been "up" in, like, forever? Never watched the show.

hey i have footage in .mkv that i wanna convert into a format that i can use in sony vegas, i am using AVC (any video converter), do u have an idea what are the codecs, that i should select and so on , without losing the quality?

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with that converter so not sure what to suggest, sorry.


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