
ahmed magdy

Ask @AhmeddMagdy

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ya bareddd :p gonna miss you so fuckin baaaaadd :( <3

Wntoo wallahy kloko htw7shuni,mateegy ashufek

bgd 7war cairo da? tb w msh htegy alex 5ales wla 7ta agazat??

Hagy ktir walahy, gher law zhe2t mnkooo ha333. 3shan te3rafo emty ya klaab

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maybe nas kteer btesta3'lesak ,i don't know you that well but i think you're adorable :)

Thankk youu :3

you really think it's cool to ignore lots of questions don't you?

It's my account, I answer whatever i want to and ignore whatever i want to ignore .What's your problem?

what do you do if you're mad at your friend?

I change, he notices, he asks why when he already knows and I reply "Nothing's wrong i promise" and everything returns back to normal i guess xD

You're my morning and my night. Forget about the world and please hug me tight.

Wmaaalooo ya 3asal

do you think that somebody is jealous of you sometimes?

Well actually i never focus on such things

What's something that annoys you a lot

I get extremely and utterly pissed off when a girl who is among my bestfriends is trying to make me jealous or get my attention by talking to lots of guys whenever I'm around. Completely destroys our friendship.

No i am sure that i didn't anyway i hope u are fine and ur leg is much better now

Seriously? Stop being dramatic and at least let me know who's it..

msh hane3mel formet el seef wala eh ya magdy?

Mana rgly etksrt f wa2t msh 3atefy 5ales, estanani afuk el gebs bas wana hazbatak

Say hi leh b2a w enta el mara wa7da el maba2tash takalm "moody awii"

la2a ana msh moody, mumk tkuni mdy2any, sa7?

Enta btsta3abt awiiiiiiiiii We used to talk all day now u don't ask any more thankss

Well you're welcome and you could've said hi instead of whining here though...


Language: English