
ahmed magdy

Ask @AhmeddMagdy

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You had a personality now you talk about politics, (despite having very annoyingly off-logic points), you talk about gaming, religion, theism and atheism, feminism, reading and other stuff that you don't have an idea about. Stop that, it's annoying.

Well me myself i'm not an emotional person. But i'll admit that when it comes to politics it really moves me. You know, youth dying everyday. And people just "passing" it because it's not their business. About feminism, you can talk about my family about this one. I support feminism. But if you're judging me according to the meninist tweets i retweet then idk what to say to you. I hope you realise it's a joke. I see myself as an overly open minded person, specially in religion to the point that i've been told by some people that i must have an opinion( idk how to explain this one to you) but if you can tell me something, just one thing that proves that im not open minded and tolerant. That'd be great, because we might find a solution for it.

Your opinion in stuff are very close minded despite the fact that you claim being open-minded, maybe you should know the definition first. I used to like you because you had a specific personality and now you're trying to fake one and it's not working so good. You're not remotely a geek/nerd.

Well my point is still. Being a "geek/nerd" is something that won't benefit me in anyway. So why would i fake being one?

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Like you are not a nerd but you are trying so hard to be :p

Well, normally people who are trying to be something they're not are trying to attract opposite sex or follow a trend and im pretty certain that playing league of legends isn't attractive

You're a nerd wannabe.. Like u are a cool person urself but u like speak all the time About reading and education and religion, politics and gaming. It's so weird.

Well, i really enjoy this kinda stuff. So should i be like an autistic person because i like smart and deep stuff? I don't get it.. But yeah, not all "cool" guys are stupid. Idk what you mean by cool im the one who's confused rn.

Would you marry a girl who keeps "im a strong independant woman who needs no man" as her motto?

No, i'd give her what she wants; no man..

What do you think of makeup?

Helps girls look attractive. So yea, i support moderate makeup. But i don't like full makeup; it looks so unnatural.

Do you simetimes feel that you hate yourself?

No, i'm the person i want to be and i choose to be that way and i can change myself to whatever i want to be ( except a singer ) so no, i don't hate myself.

What do you and your girl bestfriends talk about?

Dirty and pervert stuff or really deep things like religion, marriage and the meaning of life

I love the Muslim religion... Just majority of the Muslim people such as yourself. "I know you love Jesus but you can learn a lot from Satan"

Im sorry i don't understand your question.


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