
ahmed magdy

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Ana bansa7ak w bacalemak gad walahi!

Betcalemny eh bas. 3ayz tklmni zay el Regala ta3ala. Mb7bsh shoghl el 3eyal el soghayara da.

Do you believe in sex before marriage?

I dont believe in sex or any kind of sexual activity for fun. If it's serious then it's a matter of one's beliefs. But in the end marriage is just paper so it's more about your mentality. If you plan on having a family and living together then it's ok. Because some people get married secretly to young women, just to have sex. thinking that they're tricking their "god" which is absolutely pathetic.

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Thoughts on fifty shades of grey?

The acting is terrible and the script like the dialogue is beyond terrible. The directing, sounds, everything in the movie seems to be done by a 12yr old. If you're talking about the book, it's ok but not my type at all.

Are you the kind of person who fakes being ok when he's not?

No, why would I? If im annoyed, I'm annoyed. If im happy, im happy. I don't go around crying but if im having troubles i won't "fake a smile" either because im not a fake person

But then they consider you stupid and keep making bad things and you just forgive them ?

Well then they won't be among my friends like we'll still say hi and everything but i won't give them the chance to have a personal conversation or so with me

Shouldn't being forgiving be something you hate?

No, i don't have issues, i forgive people because they can't like actually hurt me. And sometimes because i don't get butthurt easily. It's something i really love about myself and it keeps me having many many friends that i spend times with that i wouldve otherwise lost. Some people actually change dramatically and become better people and it's so worth it. The thing about is that i don't like people easily in the first place.

What's something that you regret?

I don't actually regret anything. But i have this problem which is that i phrase things poorly so people misunderstand them. "Regretting" doesn't make sense to me. Although, i hope i can learn to express myself more accurately.

Im not the girl who asked you question, we don't even know each other personally. But i wanted to ask you how can people who break up remain friends?

I don't know where did my answer to her first question go... I said that im the type of guy who doesn't have hard feelings towards people after a fight/breakup etc.. Well, it takes time, but eventually i forgive them but sometimes my mind doesn't because i know we don't have chemistry so it's pointless. I also said that breakups can be like clean breakups because things didn't workout people don't have to breakup because they hate each other... I think i accidentally deleted my first answer.

And if it happens again and again?

Break up but don't stop being friends. Don't be awkward. Converse with them 3ady bas not as close as before. In the end he is the one who blew it up mesh enty.


Language: English