
ahmed magdy

Ask @AhmeddMagdy

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Omg ahmed you changed A LOT. Hahahahahahahaha you're a big liar xx

Yea like my beard is almost full grown now, damn

Heya di 5na2a D: i am having an argument that's all, اختلاف الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية


Lol i like you that's why im still anonymous, el fekra en i used to like you having your personality bas recently la2eetak etghayart (on social media) in a way i don't like, doesn't mean i don't like you

Ohh ok, bas i think en it's just that you have a political disagreement with me. I never changed

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I am a dude..

Then have some balls mate haha. Im surprised by the fact that u used to like me but now la2a as i have a great relationship with all my guy friends. Im starting to think enak bteshtaghalny.

Yes you know me bas because of my opinions about you I rather not say who I am to keep our relationship as it is (tho it's not very strong)

I'd like to know whether or not ure a dude w where i know you from..

Mslan the proofs that ISIS are american from the way the video is directed or the fact that he's talking good english, that's an invalid point. Very. I'm not saying they're not supported by CIA but these aren't proofs. (That's the closest thing that came to mind)

I was saying that these are not isis. I didnt say that this is definite proof that they are cia. Number 2 i read a lot about isis and they don't wear watches in their left hands because they think it's an infidels thing. Fa i was saying they're defo not isis. A lot of things for example: the fake execution of el kasassba add up to show that isis is brought by the usa to replace taliban. It looks to me that ure upset from me fa ure misunderstanding stuff i say and judging me. Idk

Btw i don't know you personally but i follow u on twitter and i totally respect your political views w i remember lama olt f 30 june that sisi will be president and how some people were mocking you

It's a well known scenario that happened million mara before, msh ba2ra kaf y3ni

Ana ma2oltesh en enta mesh lazem tetkalem fel topics di, ana asdy ennak lama betetkalem feehom bet2ool kalam that has no logic or sense, w faty kteer, da bey5aleek teban zayat

Tayeb kan u be more specific? F which topic w what did i say. 3shan nshuf if im making sense or not..

Lolwut? Magebtesh seeret el gaming ella once D:

Tayeb w religion w politics. Ezay i don't have an idea about them? W feminism? My sister is a member of a feminist organisation and i know exactly what it is.

S(he) said you should stop talking about gaming because you have no idea about it. That's why i want to punch him or her.

I literally spend 90% of my life reading about politics/religion/dogs stuff , gaming and working out. So if i have no idea about these things i honestly dk who does..

I'm not mad at your political opinions, I don't give a fuck about politics aslan. I think you're not open minded because you can't accept the fact that others are close minded, fhemt?

You know that being close minded leads to accidents like the murdering of 3 muslims, and the charlie incident? I think the world you're looking for is sticking to your identity or your culture? And that's totally fine to me..

Ya deeny. First, atheist*. Second, no a hipster is a everything wannabe. Third, 'fit in' is not impressing, And about being close minded, you just can't accept the fact that (mslan your parents) can't accept being open minded. That makes you a close minded person.

Who told you that i don't accept the fact the some people are narrow minded? If you can dig far into my tweets you'll find a tweet where i say that if narrow minded people mind their own business then nobody has the right to dare speak a word about them.. And my parents aren't narrow minded as well. Being open minded is accepting all points of views, if you have a right understanding of the phrase you can't not accept it...

He is telling you you are not open minded

So he/she is mad because i have political views so he/she is coming here dissing me and in the end is calling ME close minded? This is ironic

LOOK! You're the one who doesn't know what a noob means. And, for the close minded thingy, you're close minded about the fact that there are close minded people.

Is that supposed to mean something?

Maybe you're trying to fit in a specific society, maybe your new friends after you moved are like that and you're trying to fit in. That's a question for you to ask yourself.

Friends? I don't have like actual friends here. You see, when i first came i had some friends in st fatima then i moved and we don't talk. In my new school im friends with a few people who live near me. We are friends because we all have dogs and go to the gym together. We don't follow each other on social media. So who am i trying to impress? If you know me personally, you'd know im anything but a liar and im telling u im not impressing anyone. The things i talk about on social media are the same things i talk about with my parents (and they think im a crazy athiest) but yeah. Im not pretending lol

Most people who care about the stuff you post about (geeky type) are just buried inside the society and they don't show it in any way that they think the way a western nerd thinks. If you're really interested in those stuff, don't be a n00b. ;)

I don't get your question? And i hope you realise that noob means unskilled in a game and you're totally wrong im super skilled hahaha


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