@Aligandro#3 🇵🇪

victor Davila Rivera

Ask @Aligandro

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A.o.a everyone Can you donate 500 for those students they can't full fill the requirements of fee's We make a ngo from initial stage We create a team They donate monthly 500 because ramzan is also coming if anyone interested for this humanity Inbox me ya Dm me on Instagram

عالیہ خان
Of course. We can help. I know you give a hand to a person One day God will bless you abundantly. 💛🍀💕🌹😇✌️

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قال سيدنا محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( يا أيها الناس توبوا إلى الله، فإني أتوب في اليوم إليه مائة مرة) 💙

athkar079099’s Profile Photoأذكــــآر (صلِّ على النبي)
وقال انه"
تائبوا عن صانعي الفيروسات ، فأنت لست رجلاً حديديًا. ذات يوم ستأتي نهايتك. هنا في هذا العالم ، نحن ركاب فقط. 🌹💛🙇😇

How have all of you been? Your people? Your work? Hobbies? How is the weather? What's up? I am going to be spamming some voting polls if you guys want to come jump over and answer some if your bored. Also lots of ?'s also! I miss and love all of you. I wish nothing but the best to all of you.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I'm fine thanks.
My people are well motivated. My work is a bit low. The weather is a bit cloudy.
Peru plays today. 💥🔥🌻😀🍟


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