
The Bufferkiller

Trigger warning: sexual content and abusive depictions in advertising // http://www.upworthy.com/the-next-time-someone-says-sexism-isnt-real-show-them-these-shocking-role-reversal-images What are your thoughts on this video? (I highly recommend Upworthy. There is some pretty great stuff on there!)

That video was very poorly produced, presumptuous, and missing a lot of factors that contribute to their statistics far more than media. Like economic state, or the fact that the crimes listed have been on a steady decline for the last 70+ years.
There is not just one evil entity we can point our fingers at and say, "That is why things are the way they are!" There are many many factors involved in every aspect of our lives that have to be considered. Media portrayals aren't even in the top 3. It's up there, but far from the most influential.
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Favorite book/book series???

Favorite series if 2021 were The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, The Palladium Wars by Marko Kloos, and Hell Divers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith. They're all really good.
The Partials Series and The John Wayne Cleaver series by Dan Wells are still favorites too.

(sent on 12/12/21) did you ever use myspace when you were younger?

poetalunam’s Profile Photoleigh; ✨️
Yeah, I dated a lady that got me to join sometime in 2003 and a year or so later it blew up and I went to join only to realize I already had.
Same thing happened with Twitter. Ex-wife kept bugging me to join, but I refused. She tried to create an account for me to save my username only to find an account with no posts and two friends. Two close friends that don't know each other.
My memory sucks when it comes to the accounts I create.
sent on 121221 did you ever use myspace when you were younger

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