
Chris Fleming

Ask @C_Fleming

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/ Hey all. I'm here to let you know that I'm back. I needed a break after real life being impossible to bare. This group stayed in such a positive memory even after so much negativity that I, as Chris' admin had to take. You people stood by my side when I needed it and I'll never forget that...

I just want to use this chance to say how much I appreciate every single individual in this group. Your are all unique and your hearts are golden. Please never change.

Do you think that it's alright that Chastity's admin brought us another JoMo faceclaim without consulting the admin that is using that fc?

Someone once tried to do something similar to me too. It felt like Hell. Nothing should be done without consulting the admin because I'll tell you, the feeling is the worst that you can imagine.

Queen complex is back in HA. Person that hurt me twice wants to come here. I might actually delete my characters because of this, but I had to let this all out even if anonymously only. I liked writing with all of you. Stay golden... I'll miss my charas and most of you.

I don't think you should leave. If you'll miss your characters it means you have something worth to fight for. I don't know if it's too late for me to say this, but don't leave. If you want to discuss it anyhow, contact me non-anonymously I'll gladly listen. I'm not any judgy. I've been hurt online before too which is why I promise to understand.

Would he ever hang out with Millie, Nicole, Will, Harry, Noah or Nathan?

He actually is some kind of Hell buddies with Millie. He is very good with Nicole, she makes him laugh and more human. Harry and him could be interesting. Noah and him would depend on a moment. Him and Nathan probably couldn't hang out together except if the angel could get past his cruelty, bizarre jokes and darkness. Same goes for Will.
+2 answers in: “Is there any character you think Chris would get along with but they've never talked?”

Is there any character you think Chris would get along with but they've never talked?

/ He is not very social, but there are a couple. I don't know why but I somehow feel like Jake would be a quite good pal to him. That's what I can see. Then there's a couple of others that he'd get along with as well if the situation and timing were right. He'd never really want friends, so he'd probably look for the people who are on the same level about friendships and etc, or it'd simply happen. But who knows.
+2 answers Read more

Any plots for Chris? We really miss you

// Totally! I was thinking about getting through with him getting extremely dark. He always was dark, but I want him to touch the darkest bottom, so he can rise. I don't think he will ever be a goodie two shoe, but he needs to know that his darkness isn't all that he can be. He wants to feel and it pains him. I want him to realise there's no reason for him to be afraid with specific people as sometimes people don't betray and harm, sometimes people protect close ones too. I want him to be braver in any form of that word. I was thinking about a solo, but I won't tell all the details yet. I want to be in a good place in mind to start it all!

Make an aesthetic of your character being a child.

This isn't all like Chris, but I wanted to think he was really innocent at the beginning. He'd be this geek kid who turned to superheroes when the world seemed like a dark place. He'd laugh at it now, but he was one of those little boys that really loved comics before they got aware of how cruel the world was.

I know there isn't an admin now but would anyone be kind enough to make a list of all the active characters? With all the new OC's, it's getting hard to keep track.

Okay, I think this is a good idea and since Aimee volunteers and since she seems really amazing with people and has kindness, I think she will be great for making that list and just anything else. If she needs any help, she can message me.


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