

Ask @Carmen4333

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I've never EVER had a Valentine. Awesome or sad?

Depends on how you view it. If you don't care and love being single, awesome. If you care, and are a bit sad to be lonely then sad

If an alien offered you a ride in his UFO to his planet, would you go?

free trip to a foreign planet with knowing there could be a slight chance of being experimented on? Well, it's a risk, but I'll take it. I would LOVE a chance to visit another planet.

Why do most people who watch anime act elitist?

Could be because they feel proud of watching so many animes. I would ask them because I don't act that way haha

What would be the result of crossing a hedgehog with an adder? ???????

an otter with the head of a hedgehog and the little spikes?

What to do, if I am allergic to animals, but I already have a cat?

Depends, if the cat is an outside cat, it should be OKAY. Um, I would have to know how serious the allergic reaction is. but if it isn't life threatening, I would recommend allergy medicine

What does a perfect burger consist of?

For me, it has to have three patties, cheese in between the layers, ketchup and mustard (not too little or too much), pickles, onions (depending on the mood), and lettuce. I also like to stuff fries or onion rings into my burger for more flavor. NO mayo.

Many professors can't explain whether soul exists as such, and if it exists, then what is it and where is it located. Do you think there is soul and if so, where is it located?

Yes and well it would be located in us, and animals. You can also find "soul"what i like to call happiness or fun, in music. You can see the soul, but you can feel it.

Have you ever had cockroaches? How to get rid of them?

I have not. Maybe try some form of mint? I know a lot of bugs hate the smell

I’m in love with 2 different people. What should I do?

In all honesty, this is up to you. You need to figure out your feelings. If you really loved the first one, then the second lover would never have happened. The only advice I have is to listen closely to your heart. When you have the answer; whether it is one person or the other, or neither in this case, it's best to be open and honest to them both.


Language: English