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Describe your favorite room in your house. Why is it your favorite? What would you change about it?

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my bedroom -- it's basically my sanctuary at this point, and i spend a lot of time in it, between working from home and then watching television or playing video games. however, i also do spend a lot of time in other parts of the house just to give myself a break.
for sure my room! i can do what i want and it is very cozy. it is kind of dull so in my next house i am getting different colored walls and LED lights.
My room, because I´ve decorated the way I wanted thanks to the hard earned money I get from my job. It´s red, and I have a lot of goth and geeky decos everywhere. Besides it has my tv and games consoles so it´s a very comfortable room for me to be in.
My favorite room is the living room. It's got a couch that's so comfy, and a few recliners, a tv, and piano. It's my favorite room, because the couch the best, as it's so comfy, and it's where I spend the majority of my time working on my assignments while sometimes also watching movies . The only thing I would change about my favorite room is that I wish there could be a way that it wouldn't get so cold so in there durring the winter.
Describe your favorite room in your house? Why is it your favorite? =)
my bedroom is my favorite room in the house, although i've been spending more time in the living room lately.
my bedroom is fairly large with a queen-sized bed, a desk for my laptop, a TV stand with my television and xbox console and various knick-knacks, a bookshelf, and some bedside tables. i want to clean it more thoroughly since i have some clothes laying around. :/
my living room is pretty simple -- two couches, two reclining chairs, a coffee table, and a television with some side tables. i want to hang more art on the walls.

Language: English