
Jasmin Sanchez ☺️❤️

Ask @Donutswag11

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Your cover photo is still with your ex, why?

Because Its Hard To Let Someone Go That Means Everything To You , And The Only Person You Love .
Theres Alot I Would Explain , Theres Just No Words To explain How Much He Means To me. i might be stupid for still being like this , but atleast ill dye trying.

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Jasmin... Your freaking beautiful and all these hoes who tryna make you jealous can go fuck themselves cause your better then that? Its jorges lost.. You loved him and he gave that up.. Hold your head high bby because these bitches ain't shit✌ They just tryna get into your head, don't let them❤❤

thank you . ❤

holy hell jorges new girl is fucken hot ????????????

good for him .
i deleted all the shit i had on my ask cause im better than that and im not going to sink down to a lower level than i already am . i rather just keep my things positive and let the negative rot . im done with all the shit talking on my ask , and im done hearing about how great hes doing without me and how hes doing way better now , and how shes better and everything else . i get it . i really would appreciate if all the people would stop saying shit like that towards me causd if you didnt know , this shit hurts . its torn me to pieces , hurt me in so many ways , turned me into someone else , and made me the person who im not and dont want to be .

compliment/ from what i see you're unexplainably strong, you're very stunning as well, jasmin. don't let anyone tell you different. & i just wana say im always here if you need to talk to anyone. ❤? rate: 10 of course ?

cresenciaaa23’s Profile Photocresencia
thank you So Much Cresencia.
message me whenever so we can hang.
mucho love. ❤

Tbh: Like I said earlier... You're a strong, beautiful, amazing person. This is just another bumb in the road but you will get past it. Fuck him cause he probably lost the best thing that ever fucken happened to him.. Show him that you can be happy without him. Love you jasmin❤❤

shara_carranza_18’s Profile PhotoShara Carranza:):
love you too shara , thank you.
Liked by: Shara Carranza:):


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