
Jasmin Sanchez ☺️❤️

Ask @Donutswag11

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What do u mean by all the linked to people?

The Police Got In This & Its Against The Law To Cyber Bully.
they will track all the accounts that are doing this & find the people even if they are deactivated or deleted things .
so we will find whos been making all these accounts & they will be sent to jail, because it is against the law.

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How is she doing?

to everyone reading this , please stop asking me and blaming people untill we have all the pages linked to people .
all this isnt gonna make her any better
i have been with her this whole time , its all ok .
she wont be getting her phone back at all.
she wont have a phone anymore .
her facebook , snapchat , ask , and others will be erased .
giselle wont be contacting anybody.
& i wont be answering anymore questions this morning .
thank you for all the prayers sent , very much appreciated . ❤

what are you doing this whole week?

i been with bae this whole week ?
hanging with friends , and playing sports ❤


Language: English