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(shoutout) if you had the ability & resources to become either a lawyer, doctor, or musician, which profession would you choose and why?

poetalunam’s Profile Photoleigh; ✨️
Musician. Having the talent and knowledge to play multiple instruments and to have a voice that captures peoples attention and makes them feel. Music is relatable to any emotion you are feeling at any given time. It has the power to resonate within peoples souls. Music carries memories of all sorts and attachments to moments in life that will simply be a memory whether good or bad. It brings people together and makes you feel free. To have the talent to not only play an instrument and sing a song but to also possibly contain the talent to write a song. That is poetry essentially and such a beautiful thing to put words and thoughts together that make a song, a story, to forever be there in time. Past, present and future.
Liked by: merak Xaviere Dotty

I want a baby girl with the love of my life

That sounds lovely. I wish you success in your desires 💕

I think I’m a sex addict but I don’t want to cheat

This is sad to read. Sex is great, I myself do enjoy it very much but only with the ones (talking about all relationships I’ve had) I’ve developed a connection or bond with. I’ve had my one moment in life of what you would call a drunken one night stand but it’s just not for me. Anyways, I would hope maybe you’re with someone or would find someone that enjoys it as much as you and is maybe willing to experiment in ways to keep you and well them satisfied and happy. If you truly are just addicted to sex and with multiple different people, then just don’t be in a relationship. Be honest and open about who you are. If you’re ok with who you are then good. If you don’t like the fact that you’re a sex addict then I say you try to find a way to not be or a way to tamper it down.
Liked by: BrooksWasX Jono Dotty

https://ask.fm/GreenGirl48120/answers/171412186126 - Yeah 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
🤔 well lol I’d have to give that some thought because honestly I’ve lived in the city I’m in for 5 years now but don’t know the entire area very well. To be even possibly more shocking is the fact that I’ve never even been to a spa but would absolutely love to go to one sometime.

If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the most intelligent? 🧠 🐱‍👓 🐘 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
There are many intelligent animals out there and probably more so than some recognize, whether that be air or water breathing, but I’d have to go with 🐘 for sure because they are not only extremely intelligent and full of personality but of course an amazing creature to see and watch with just how massive their body and presence is.

If you were an artist, what would you paint on your first day? 👨‍🎨 👩‍🎨 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Oh how I wish I obtained that beautiful skill *dreamy sigh* lol
I’d probably draw a nature type of scenery first, a portrait of someone or an animal.
I’ve seen some of these videos lately where this artist sits in the subway train and whom ever happens to sit across from him, he starts to sketch them and the outcome is always beautiful. He then surprises each person by the time their destination has arrived and stands up and walks to them, and hands them the portrait. Every reaction he receives is really cool, sometimes emotional. I always think how rewarding that feels to have the talent and capability to do something so beautiful for people you don’t even know but will now remember you for life.

Which do you value more - careful planning or the freedom to be spontaneous? 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I honestly do tend to lean towards the more careful planning type but when you use the word “freedom” to be spontaneous, it’s definitely something I would love to have the freedom to do more of. I understand it’s a choice and I do love being spontaneous and would love to have that capability to do it more in my life. I think having both qualities though is not a bad thing.

What is your favourite birthday you have ever had? Why was it your favourite? 🎂 🎉 🎊 🥳 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Probably my 13th birthday because my mom of course made it as special as she could by saving money to be able to get a hotel for a night. All my friends came and we had so much fun at the pool, the restaurant and then inside the hotel room where I ended up with cake all over my face, which then resulted in friends being covered in it as well. To top it all off, that’s where confetti comes into play (it was EVERYWHERE 😂) We all ran downstairs to the outdoor water and colorful light feature where it shoots up from the ground. We all washed off while laughing and playing around.

How many kids would you like to have?

I’m not sure. At this rate if I ever do have any, I’m thinking just 1 or 2 would be fine. Don’t see myself running around after more than that 😅

Would you take back someone who cheated on you?

Really just depends on the circumstances, if it’s a repeat offense, how many times and how you feel on letting someone treat you that way. Especially if you’ve been faithful.
Me personally, I’m not ok with it and more than one falter during a relationship is just too much to take. Ends up making you feel less and then hurt, angry and resentful. Which is not good for either. That’s why I say, communicate in the beginning and be honest about what your looking for in a relationship. If you desire monogamy and proclaim to want that out of the other, but then do the opposite, that’s just not ok and you were obviously being fake/lying the whole time. Hurts more in the long run.

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Men that wear glasses are so attractive

Glasses on some men definitely add to their looks in a beneficial way. It’s nice when you find them attractive with or without but yes, I agree lol
Liked by: Dotty


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