
Herbert Henry Asquith

Do you ever go back and rewatch old shows and films you liked as a child, for nostalgia? Do you still enjoy them as an adult? I've had very mixed results 😂

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Yes, and the odd thing is, I even revisit things I didn’t like at the time, just because they’re from that era.
For instance it was ‘The Beach’ last week, the film came out when I was 15 and I read the book and saw the film at the time but didn’t like it then.
23 years later I picked up a dvd at a second hand sale and loved it. That’s maturing or aging, I hope the first ;)

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Do you ever go back and rewatch old shows and films you liked as a child, for nostalgia? Do you still enjoy them as an adult? I've had very mixed results 😂

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I tried but realised as a grown up I’m ruining it for myself because I see so many flaws now that I didn’t see before when I was young

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