

Ask @HeatherMoorexox

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Opinion on me yeah k thanks:p

Oml. We have so many memories together;3! Most of them people wouldn't even dream of doing..
When you sat in history, the teacher walked out the room, i looked at you and saw a glue stick flyy towards me, but it was like, inches away (cos babe, lets face it, you cannot throw to save your life) bounced off the wall and hit the door. Oh my god, i'm so glad it didn't hit mexD! The way everyone turned around and looked at ME!!
Then today, we went to walsall and the look on your face when you put that dress on, oh my god i could have cryed with happiness, u was like a kid who'd just found a bike on Christmas day!!
You're like a sister too me baby, negl. I've always wanted a sister>.<!! You've been there for me through my ups (which i rarely have) and my downs! You make me smile without a doubt, when u pop up it's not 'hi' it's 'YO BITCH, GO GET ME MACCIES.' I can't stop fricken smiling bout that ngl! You're one of those people i can confide in but also have a great laugh with! U put urself down so much though baby, you need to realise you're perfect. If i could prove that in anyway, believe me i would. You're gorgeous, amazing, so funny oml, i cry over the phone too you! I look forward to the rest of the memories we'll have tbf, i don't know where i'd be without you, in fact, i'd probably be a druggie and a alcoholic-.-! Love you sweetie<3!!
Sorry it's short, my brain isn't too big:L

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Okay I'm bored as fuck
1. Would you take your ex back?
2. Relationship status?
3. Have you ever lost a close friend?
4. When was the last time you really laughed?
5. Something is wrong, first person you turn to?
6. Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you did?
7. When was the last time you cried hard?
8. Is there anyone you'd do anything for?
9. How many people can you tell everything?
10. Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
11. Does the person you last held hands with mean something to you?
12. Describe yourself in one word?
13. Who do you hate and why?
14. How many pets I have?
15. Job?
16. Favourite song?
17. Favourite colour?
18. Best friends?
19. Person I miss the most
24. Last text from?
27. Favourite stories?
28. Who I tell everything to?
29. Favourite animal?
30. Height?
31. Who has my heart?
32. Favourite movie?
33. A secret?
34. Who I Trust?
35. Most memories with?
36. People you have recently got close to?
38. Who i couldn't live without?
40. Would I cry if you died?
45. Birthday?
46. Would I go with u?
48. Do I drink?
50. Do I smoke?

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Liked by: Hayley

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did you and lucy stevens ever go out?

i have people on here i'd rather not know about my personal life,
pop up if u want too knowwww
Liked by: Hayley


Okay, i've gotta let this out..
Mensioning no names, but if they read this, they should know it's too them.
When we used to play in the park, and i'd push you in the swings-I was bisexual.
When we used to pretend there was a talent show in the middle of the room, just to make mom laugh-I was bisexual.
When we'd argue and want too kill eachother-I was bisexual.
When we'd all get bored and have a laughing contest, who could make who laugh first-I was bisexual.
When we were at the park and i stuck up for you (On countless occasions)-I was indeed bisexual.
When we'd play wrestling, we'd winde eachother up, so it was playing-I was bisexual.
When you spread rumours around about me at school, too look good infront of your friends-Unfortunately, i am bisexual.
You call me fat, lazy, whenever we argue it's yeah, at least i'm normal and not a bi.
I am bisexual, not by choice, but it's who i am. Tell me, what is normal too you? You see people going around with dresses on, they're normal to themselves but to others, they will be weird. You see people wearing dark clothes, they will be weird to others, but that's what they want to wear, so they will wear it.
Being bisexual isn't the problem. It's the things people say to me when they know it's who i am.
I had someone walk past me the other day, i was stood there waiting for my mates. He come over looked at me smirked and threw his rubbish on me, walked away laughing. I felt hurt. So hurt that i could have stood there and cryed my heart out.
People push me around in school like i'm some kind off punch bag.
People laugh at me and whisper in their little group of friends, here's the lezza.
Oh and, nearlly forgot, kids at our school play football at lunch. The ball come over towards me, i went to kick it back, they said 'Ugh, don't kick it back we'll catch your diseace' I kicked it back.
These kids? Before i come out, they'd be nice too me, ask me for answers to everything, ask me for help. But because i come out, because i was true to myself, i get treated like a pile of shit.
Bet you didn't know this did you?
Bet you've gone through NONE of it.
Bet you're reading this thinking 'that's bullshit'
Well, bro, why would i make it up.
Don't fucking judge me when you have the slightest idea about my life. Even if you do fucking happen too live with me.

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What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?

ru crazy
ru crazy
ru crazy
must be stupid if u think that we can start again..
Liked by: Hayley

First time i've ever done this, sent to all that i follow, opinion on me?:3 x

Stephen Kelly
You're amazing negl, i've never met u but i really want too:C
We used to be dead close, but we barely talk now, think yo should pop yo ass up more like..
Your personality is just, perfection. You can make me laugh and smile without a doubt, u should move and live by me, idec what mates you have by youxD! Like a brother too me ngl-Ly<3:P
Liked by: Hayley

What do teenagers think about?

is this really my life, now that i'm over you and im sober too.
i can finally feel alive,
i won't give you my heart, cos it don't break twice.
just to let you knooowwww, let you knowwwww
Liked by: Hayley

What is your favorite city?

have u ever cryed so much your eyes sting and go blood red, then it actually physically hurts to cry.
what do you do then.
Liked by: Hayley

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

my brothers, the elephants
omg I dunno
I love every animal-.-
Liked by: Hayley


Language: English