

Ask @JimmyLee242

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What is your opinion on Africa?

It's been taken advantage of by colonizers throughout history, and it usually gets the short end of the stick in terms of living conditions

What is your opinion on the olympics?

The Olympics are a nice time, where people all over the country can join together and show their national pride. So I'd say that I get pretty excited when they roll around, especially the winter ones

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You could say please? And not fully agreeing.

Right, because "Also it is true stop with the suicidal sounding talk." is not fully agreeing.

Julian shut the fuck up. But then why did you reply about acting on my post 0,0?

Cause you are agreeing with him. Also, if you want to talk to Julian, don't do it through my ask.

I don't remember ever saying "acting" lol where are you getting that. And I am not saying not to defend yourself. I am saying to calm down. It is the internet....

No, you didn't say it. The other guy did.

Who knows you better than anyone else?

I think that I know myself better than anyone else. t's the case with pretty much everyone , really. No one knows you better than yourself

What kind of flowers should you give a girl?

Lol, the copy-paste of a question, but I'll answer anyways. You should know her enough to know what flower she likes the most. But a rose is a good option I guess

I'm not telling you what to do. I couldn't care less. You're just making yourself look like a complete fool by acting all depressed like your life sucks. I don't need to know how your life is to see that you're only trying to gain attention.

Cool story, but your theory is flawed. Am I forcing people to click on my link? Am I standing beside their computer, pointing a gun to their head? No. So how am I "trying to gain attention", when they have the option of choosing whether to click on the link or not. If you "couldn't care less", why do you insist on continuing to follow? Obviously, you're just a troll.

Stop telling the whole world how much your life sucks. There are people who have a worse life than you and they're not complaining. Be grateful of what you have.

Stop assuming that you know how my life is like. If it annoys you so much, then don't follow. If you're continuing to follow just to continue telling me what to do, then you're living quite a sad life yourself. You think that being anonymous gives you a lot of power, don't you? I suppose that I do have a good life, compared to scum of the earth such as yourself.

Jimmy, you live in a warm house, you have food to eat, and you are safe. Stop bitching.

Go fuck yourself. You don't know how my life is.

You're a great friend and I want you to know that. Don't say you have no friends, because you do. There are very few people like you out there, and you're a good person, even if you don't think that. Smile, be happy!

But why smile when there is nothing to smile about?


Language: English