

Ask @Kelswel

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Tbh Kelsey, you are so pretty! You seem like so much fun and like a great person. You have been so nice to me and you're great! And I really like your new hair colour lol... We don't talk very much but when we do it's always nice and hopefully we get to know each other soon!

Thanks shae !

Tbh your gorgeous and one of my favourtie gr12s you seem so nice and fun and have the best style!! i wish you were still gonna be in highschool next year so we could get to know each other because you seem like such a good friend but i guess i'll just see you around

Aw thanks! I might stay a fifth year I'm not sure haha so maybe I will see ya next year!

Most likely be better than my last New Years lol I'll think about it! im sure I'll come out does anybody usually show up or invite only or

New Years is always open to everyone! It's never invite only! Just ask me that day and I'll tell you where it is! Yeah you should come if you want!

Well that blows! Unfortunately i havent been to any parties in town this year or cool ones anyway with nice people

Well jeez you seem like you'd be lots of fun haha come out on New Years! I'm sure you'd like it cause all the older ones come out then too :)

cuuuute he seems like the same old houtzy I once knew, when's ur next party?

I don't think I'm ever having one again tbh cause my window got broke this time l... So I'm not allowed anymore.

Cool! he's a cutie seems nice, never knew you knew him I thought he moved or something I never see him anymor

Haha yeah he keeps to himself a lot! He doesn't like being in public lol, we literally have to drag him out on weekends to drink! Although he did come to my party this year haha.

How do u know houtz

Uhh when I was in grade nine my best friend dated him and I partied with him allr through highschool, especially grade nine/last summer. Most of my best guy friends are good friends with him.


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