

Ask @Kelswel

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And obviously I'm on anon. I just want to make my point, and I want you to know that it's not funny, and there are many people on SAMs side right now. Because I think everyone has been bullied and know how it feels. I don't need my name to help make a point. Right whales?

Hmmm if you know my name on my cheer sweater than you know me enough to come talk to me about it and be more mature and take your own advice and not try to call me out in front of an audience to put me down. If you really wanted to "spread kindness" you would have talked to me about it in private so I could delete it instead of making a big scene and ending up putting me down...?
Liked by: Hunter Addley

I'm sure Kelsey realizes what she said wasn't that nice if she meant it sarcastically... But seriously anon no ones perfect. We all crack jokes and say rude things and occasionally offend someone. It's literally impossible to please everyone. Freaking on Kelsey won't spread kindness.

Yeah they need to practise what they preach calling me a cunt and what not like hypocrite much!!

Obsessed with your life!? You wish. Explain how I'm obsessed with "your life". I could honestly care less after reading what I read. I care about people, and I will stand up for them when I need to. So grow up, delete your comment and don't say shit about beautiful people again. Please.

Lol no I'm not deleting my comment, if you want me to delete it come off anon or talk to me about it.

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No, of course there will be mean people. But do you really want to be one of them? Kindness needs to start somewhere. And rudeness needs to end somewhere too. It isn't cool, and it's not acceptable.

Thanks mom
Liked by: Erin Moura

Sam woods can't even defend herself on here. You're awful Kelsey. Hope you feel great about yourself. Imagine her daily struggle of mean comments she gets. You must feel great. She's a beautiful girl; a beautiful heart. Something you should learn from her truly tho.

Clearly you don't know me well at all. Like I said grow a pair and come off anon so we can talk about this in person. Your anon opinion doesn't affect me and I am currently smiling at how obsessed you are with my life and personal opinions.

Life doesn't need to be hard. Instead of teaching people to "grow a backbone" we should be teaching everyone not to hurt others. You aren't intimidating.... You're just mean. And I thought you were a nice girl... But clearly I was wrong. you are unbelievable.

I don't really care what an anon thinks of me. Especially if you're gonna judge me off of ONE ask answer. I am a nice person actually. Even if you teach the whole world to be nice it ain't going to happen. Life's hard so get over it.
Liked by: Brette Warren

Whoever just freaked the fuck out obvs jumped to conclusions to, you could truly be trying to boost someone's confidence and call her beautiful they don't know your thoughts or what you meant by that someone needs to take a pill...

Hunter Addley

It's just funny how u think it's ok to chirp someone you know nothing about and ovbiously already insecure enough , and still think the other person on Annon is the bad guy, you look bad here

Chirping is chirping idk everyone chirps people. Pretty sure I'm not the first person to chirp and I've gotten chirped too in my life. Don't be so butthurt, the world is a cruel place and it ain't going to change. So make like a tree and fuck off or come talk to me in person anon.
Liked by: Alison Jane Capay

I can't relax. People like you are the reason kids have confidence issues and are depressed. This is not funny, and it's not something to joke about. Delete your comment.

How bout fuck off and come off anon. You have a problem? Then come talk to me face to face.

Sam woods is a nicer girl than you. She's beautiful inside. She is one of the nicest girls in this school. So shut your judgemental mouth up and grow up. It's not funny.

Lol okay relax. Come off anon at least I can chirp while not being on anon.

Who in grade nine do u think is pretty? (Girls only, and name all the ones u think are pretty but not in a way like u have a crush on them)

Sam w

Good things that came out of this summer?

Good memories and all the close friendships I made with like Hunter, Fred and Richard.


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