

Ask @Kelswel

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Thoughts on Raine

BFFL and I think everyone needs to chill with the chirps on ask about him. Like gang up on him much...pretty cruel and brutal if you ask me. He's my fav.
Liked by: Trevor Patey

Fine, i'll drop it and f off ur ask but really, great job for putting down someone who was trying to speak up and be a voice to defend someone instead of a bystander... its situations like this that make me hate going to school here

ttyn :)

In my mind a chirp is something towards a friend as a joke. Is she your friend? is she laughing? why is everyone so quick to defend u and not the victim? Ya im not perfect either but at least I can admit when i made a mistake and can correct it

Well a chirp is an insult, doesn't matter who it's at. Again your argument doesn't make sense. I did chirp someone so? Can you fuck off yet.

It's not about you or me it's about the fact that you bullied someone were called out on it n refuse to acknowledge it and take responsibility for it. ITS NOT FUNNY ITS NOT OKAY ITS NOT COOL. You have NO idea how something that u find so insignificant can destroy another person apparently?

I said that I did chirp someone in my first paragraph so tell me again how that's not taking responsibility? Your argument is invalid.

Holy fuck these anons need to stop. Like you chirped someone, big deal. Everyone does it and I'm sure these anons are all just trying to act all good like they haven't done something bad in there life. Like get real hahaha ur doing good tho Kels

Ashley Finlayson
Haha thanks ash!! I know fuck hahah
Liked by: Ashley Finlayson

Do you not even care for a second that someone might see you "chirp" them and it could really bring them down? Do you honestly have the mindset that they should get over it before you should just stop and not do it? Are you that immature?

You're saying that you're perfect and your friends are perfect? I'm pretty sure that everyone chirps on ask and I'm the only one that gets hate for it? Honestly worry about yourself and stop trying to critique my character.

hahahahah u have an ASK account where people can send ANONYMOUS comments and questions, so ya, people can be anonymous if they want? Delete your account if you don't like it, or don't post it, or maybe don't post things about other people?

Maybe make like a tree and fuck off? I just said that I'm gonna turn my anon off because you guys have no confidence to say stuff without having your name on the line. 99% sure that you guys wouldn't shake in your boots if you were confronted by me or tried to talk to me about this.

Don't ignore the comment about how you keep bringing this back to "anon". That's not the point. So what, why should it matter. Im not the one who called u a cunt, i just think that there is no need to be mean.

I just think that you should hop off my dick and worry about yourself and not my life. Nice to know that my opinion concerns you so much, lol.

I see comments about no one being perfect and I see hypocritical comments and I see people not owning up to their shit by pointing fingers around at others because of this. Girls should be empowering each other ffs not playing victim and saying that it's okay to hurt others cause others r doing it

Your anon opinion is irrelevant to my life. I'm not pointing fingers. I chirped someone? Get over it. It doesn't bother me one bit and these paragraphs are making me and my friends laugh. Honestly just fuck off because it's not changing my mind about anything lol.

Stop justifying yourself and take responsibility for when you do something unkind.

Fuck off and come off anon or talk to me in person if you have a problem. You anons have no balls to talk to me. Grow a pair settle it like a more mature person then on ask, since you're trying to seem like a "bigger person".

You're trying to use the fact that people are on anon to take away the attention from being called out on bullying someone. The anon people aren't even being mean, they're just standing up for someone that could have had their feelings hurt by you.

So you're saying calling me a cunt isn't mean? Lol yeah okay there


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