
Kristina Rogalski

Ask @KristinaRogalski

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Coolest thing you've seen in the past day? Past month? Past year? Past ten years? (Will you forgive me for asking four questions in one? Er... five Why didn't you answer the last part before? Why did I just ask a sixth question? SEVEN QUESTIONS IN ONE IS ENOUGH, I KNOW)

(See previous question for the first four answers) I will forgive you! I'm sorry I forgot about it oops. And I don't know I'm not inside your mind!!!!

Coolest thing you've done in the past day? Past month? Past year? Past ten years? (Will you forgive me for asking four questions in one? Er... five)

Past day? Well today at lunch Matt Spera asked me to buy him $10 worth of apples from the cafeteria so that was pretty cool.
Past month? A lot of stuff like I went to a Love True exhibition and I helped out at a community kitchen and so much more.
Past year? I went to Baltimore on a missions trip this summer and that was the best.
Past ten years? I went to New Orleans and I went to Disney world and they were both pretty cool.

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Who would you like to be?

One of my friends or my mom because I want to know what the heck it's like to deal with me. Or my great grandma because she's 95 and old people are kind of cool.
Liked by: Jake Tokarzewski

Aren't those three books on the filthy side?

"Filthy"??? Ender's Game is not filthy at all. Divergent has a small bit of romance but nothing on the filthy side at all. The Catcher in the Rye does have some parts that aren't the cleanest, but filthy is not the word I would use.

Best joke you've heard in the past few days?

What did the wall say to the ceiling?
-"I'll meet you at the corner".
It's not the funniest thing from the past few days because I couldn't remember anything so it's the joke my mom just told me now.

Favorite 3 fiction books from the last five years?

The Catcher in the Rye
Ender's Game
(Those are just from this summer lol)

Do you make a conscious decision what to wear each day? (Besides weather-related options)

I decide what wear based off of the weather forecast and if what I'm doing that day requires casual or nice clothes, so I guess I kind of do.

Where do you picture yourself in twenty years? Fifty years?

In twenty years I hopefully will be in a school, teaching English, and I'll be married and have children. In fifty years maybe I'll still be teaching, or volunteering in a library, and my kids will have kids of their own.

Christmas music by who?

Right now it's "Sleigh Ride" by Johnny Mathis, but before we had Frank Sinatra, The Drifters, and Josh Groban playing.

What do you do when you can't sleep?

Read, go on the Internet, text people and hope somebody is awake or stare at the ceiling.

What is your attitude to smoking?

I'm not a fan, and I don't think people should do it because it's not healthy, but I know and am close with people who do and my opinion of them would never change because of it.

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

I have no idea! I love my family and friends, I cannot just be limited to three people.

What do you think is the best gift for wedding?

Probably money or home essentials that they put on their registry.

Use three separate adverbs to describe yourself.

Well, adverbs are used to describe how something is done, not used to describe a noun, so I'm going to describe how I live life.


Language: English