
Kristina Rogalski

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Do you consider yourself a creative person?

I have creative moments sometimes but not like artsy creative, like creative with words
Liked by: Eddy

What is the best way to learn a foreign language?

Expose yourself to it and just try to learn the basics and build from there

Have you ever stolen anything?

I accidentally walked out of a store holding something in my hands but then I walked back in and set it down... does that count?

What about after the couple weeks? :(

By a couple weeks, I mean until after a little bit in November probably. But then I can be there!!!! :)

Rate on knowing you: 85% Tbh, you were in drama club and you are so sociable and funny! First Impression, I love her hair color, OMG!

Thanks girl!! I really hope you do drama club this year and then we can get to know each other better! :)

What is the major problem in your city?

Flooding. It's just been getting worse and worse with every hurricane that hits.

if "books, blankets, the colors blue and black" are the B's, what are the A's, C's, D's, etc's?

A: aquamarine, animals, artistic people...
C: colorful things, Coldplay, cats, classical music, cuddles...
D: dark clothing (I love wearing black), dogs, dramatic things...
There are a lot of things that I like :)

Tbh: you're so pretty, smart, nice, and funny!!!! I wish you were still in my study hall :( Sorry it took so long for me to do your tbh btw!!!!!

Awwww! Thanks Julie!!! <3 :D You're so sweet, and sorry for transferring, I just could not stand that room! Lol :)

If you could end any conflict in the world that you knew of, which would it be?

This is a great question, but I'm not really good about being caught up with international events, so I'm going to be general and say all the conflicts in the Middle East.
Liked by: Ola

If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

I just add a million and one more things to be stressed out about until I make myself cry and become physically sick because of it. So basically I can't deal with stress at all...

Is there anybody out there that you straight up hate? (Or are at all mad at in general)

I don't hate anybody and if I ever told you that I hate you it's because I'm a horribly sarcastic and mean human being who thinks she's funny but truly does not actually hate anyone.

I wouldn't call you stupid, but I'm probably stupid for asking you this: If only two books existed in the entire world, and you could pick which two, what would you pick? And no, if a "Books 1-4" compilation was released for any given series, that would have to be four books.

I would pick the Bible and maybe The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. And you're not stupid. That was a wonderful question.


Language: English