
Kristina Rogalski

Ask @KristinaRogalski

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What’s the one book you think everyone should read?

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Every human being must read this book. Very good, very powerful.

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Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

I'm just going to do recently read books and major ones, because I read A LOT. Don't even get me started on movies... Well, to start off with the obvious- the Harry Potter series. It teaches you a lot about being a good person, and a lot of people don't realize that. Second, The Catcher in the Rye totally changed how I look at people. To Kill a Mockingbird and My Sister's Keeper also were big perspective changers for me as well. I'm going to stop now, because it's quite possible I will go on forever... :)

What could you do as a child that you can't do now?

Ask questions easily. I can't just ask things now without thinking forever about how I word them, what they'll sound like, and things like that. I know it's stupid, but as I got older I got more and more insecure about not knowing things.

How do you usually start a conversation?

By jumping in front of people and loudly saying "Hello friends!!!!!"

Do I smell bad? I just crashed my car......

You smell a little smokey, but nothing a good shower can't fix.

Who do u miss and want to hang out with this summer?

A lot of people, like most of my friends from school that I haven't seen yet.

It going good. Has your life been lately? Because if its as perfect as you , you must be the happiest girl in the world

Life has been pretty good lately, I can't complain. And thank you for being so sweet!

That awkward moment when I'm a guy and you call me gorgeous...

Oh my apologies. *How's it going, handsome?

Oh Tina I miss you too much

I miss you too Eddy! We must hang out soon or else my heart will break beyond repair.

What are some small things that make you happy?

I don't even know where to begin, lots of things make me happy.

When you were sent from the clouds glowing with angels surrounding you, did you feel any sort of hope that Zebras will rule the Earth and we will finally praise our savior, the one and only, Zebra King?

You know, now that you mention it, I did get some sort of vibe about that, but I didn't look too far into it, because I was pretty preoccupied at the moment.


Language: English