
Kristina Rogalski

Ask @KristinaRogalski

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What is the best way to deal with stress?

I am literally the worst person to ask this question I have gotten myself physically sick because of stress so don't even ask me

Youre physical appearance is great. Dont worry about changing it cause your gorgeous :)

Thank you anon, you're really sweet :)

Opinion on cursing? Where do you draw the line on saying it? On accepting others' saying it?

Cursing (to me) isn't particularly attractive, but I'm not going to tell other people to watch their language or something, (unless we are in a place where it is discouraged) because I don't feel it's my job to monitor other people. I'll just tune you out. I had an issue with cursing in the past personally and now I'm trying to drop it completely.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

I would probably like better posture and *typical girl answer alert* a slimmer and nicer figure.
Disclaimer: I don't really care that much, this is only if I had to change something.

Do you wear make-up?

A little bit. I wear eyeliner sometimes and occasionally stuff like concealer if my face is red or something.

Opinion on Obama? Abortion? Gay marriage?

Honestly, I don't think I'm informed enough to have an opinion on Obama. However, I do have an opinion on abortion, and I strongly believe that it is wrong. As for gay marriage, I personally don't care. I don't see how what gay people do should be my business or my problem.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

The age where I'm the happiest, whenever that may be.

How early must you get up for school? When would you rather get up?

I get up at 6:00am so I have time to take a shower in the morning. I don't mind it but I would much rather get up at 6:30

What is your attitude towards hunting?

Go for it. Just actually do something with what you hunt, like eat it, or sell it, or something. Just don't kill for the sake of killing.

How did you make your first money?

I polished doorknobs for my grandma when I was like, six. 10¢ a doorknob. I was raking in the cash.

If you could be one place with one person (living or dead, but not fictional), where/who would that be?

A library with my Grandpa Fred. He died when I was in 3rd grade so I don't remember him much, but I'm told he liked to read and that we would get along well now.

What sport do you do?

Do you count cheerleading as a sport? We don't compete, so I don't know if that qualifies for a "sport" or not...

What annoys you the most?

When people are unnecessarily rude or disrespectful to others and the way that they choose to live their life. That really makes me mad.

What do you think is gonna be the hardest class on your schedule this year ?

Probably Accounting or Algebra 2 Honors. I'm not very good with math..

Worst advice you've ever followed? Best advice you've ever ignored?

Worst that I've followed: "Do it!!" (Applies to several situations, all that ended badly)
Best that I've ignored: "Just be you." or "Don't worry about it." It seriously is the best advice but I never seem to follow it.


Language: English