
Kristina Rogalski

Ask @KristinaRogalski

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what would you say to someone who is like 5'2 and 80lbs and wanted to be your base for chicken

"No, how about I base you?" Or "I'll crush you."

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What is your favorite online shopping site?

I don't really buy things online oops the only website I ever ordered from was TWLOHA's website.

What was the last movie you watched that was really good?

I haven't been to the movies in forever, so the last movie I watched was at home, and it was The Blind Side :)

Funniest thing on Wednesday?

My parents were cuddled under a blanket and Matt jumped on them and I got under the blanket and basically we ruined their nice moment but it was so funny.

What are the things you always take with you?

I don't always take the same things with me, but I usually have my phone, iPod, a hair tie, and maybe Chapstick with me.

Funniest thing on Monday? Tuesday?

Monday: hanging at the Couch's was pretty funny.
Tuesday: the yearbook from when we were in 6th grade that Ola brought in! I was dying of laughter

What's one thing you refuse to pay for?

There are lots of things I feel people shouldn't have to pay for, like simple things, but none of them are coming to mind now

Funniest thing on Friday? Saturday?

Friday: Brittany, Sam and I were talking at the football game about how we're going to steal half time and act out the final scene of Dirty Dancing. ;D
Saturday: Chelsea when I asked her to take the picture of me and the boy at the tournament :'D

what was the poem?!

*some chemical thing*, is the same stuff in acid rain, I wish I had some, so Mr. Moore could be poured down my drain. ;)


Language: English