

Ask @Krpeeeeeeeeeec

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why does this keep happening why do people let me down why do i let myself down why cant i be better why am i not better and everything i am trying to do is becoming undone and i cant keep my head together its all becoming too much how do i get through this when will it be over i want it to be over
i dont know where i am going or whats going to be happening this year or who i am going to be i dont know who i am and its scary i am not who i used to be i am becoming someone new and i cant believe how lonely this feels how lonely i am it hurts being this alone but i dont know how to be with anyone else
and you fucking keep playing with my heart like its some game like you think i wont leave like i dont deserve better i dont need love that isnt meant to be i dont need someone who is only going to keep breaking me i want you but this is becoming pointless this is becoming tiring you are tiring you are too much for me right now
everything is so cold and numb i dont know what to do anymore i hate myself i cant sleep everything feels like i should be sleeping i should be waking up to something better than is but it doesnt happen and i keep wanting to scream and cry when did everything become so hard why did everyone stop caring

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