
Artist 7 # 1 Libor Milian (✔)


LiborMilian1’s Profile PhotoArtist 7 # 1 Libor Milian (✔)
Thanks to everyone in San Diego, America and Khabarovsk for their support and again I will try to get as many first places and other places as possible from the songs Wounded Heart.And to all the girl fans you write to me that you love, I send my heart into the world.You are girls and boys from all over the world who love me and join me here, let's go to my profile Now there are 1177 followers next for you.I know that every girl would like me with me, but it is not possible.But I'm trying to write you back the answers. Well, my page isn't finished yet, the publishing house would have nothing to do apart from the biography.When the Singles Wounded Heart CD and clothes on sale are on my site, we'll put it on the web. And yes, there will be Chat.
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Latest answers from Artist 7 # 1 Libor Milian (✔)

I love you and woow New CD Singels Wounded Heart and new relations @LiborMilian1 September in platform.

Hi more more Jobs in Music Studio,Photography in Ateliers,PJ Records and New CD Singels Wounded Heart in 53 Music Stores (Bookstore,E-Shops and Stores) Radio Tour Start Radio Tour,Events and more more.More Job New Relations in September Platform I series and Start New Studio and Producer New Teenagers Sitcom 5 Maids I (1/15)

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