
✿ Linaly ✿

do you like your new school

Eh. Its okay. Not as amazing and awesome as MNHS. All of the people I talk to are older than me, and I'm the only sophomore in my Calc class which is awkward. And in my AP Physics class too, now that I think about it. And then there's the freshman which I usually don't talk to, unless absolutely necessary.

Latest answers from ✿ Linaly ✿

Have you ever knocked a girl like completely out cold in a fight

i've never fought a girl :)

Would you date someone who looked like a supermodel but had an awful, mean spirited personality? 👀


If the love of your life left could you move on and survive even though it hurt like hell

Luckily I haven't experienced a loss like that, but even if I did, I'm certain I'd be fine.

Language: English