
Master Shifu'

Ask @Master10Shifu

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Thoughts on me???? ^_^

A soo very good friend..got soo many things to write , it got me lazy to reply to this questions till today !
You is someone who always gave me her toppest priorities..made me feel loved and cared
wished me early before every event in my life ! :D
Ekhon american hoye gesish , bangla bujhish nah ! :P
Dushtu hoye gesish onek ! :P
I miss you...cuz we had enough memories of making he missing worth !
Airport departure, never going back there again ! -_-
Onek likhsi.. abar porey ! :P
bhala thakis !
Come back soon !
This pic was the day you wore that dress ! =D

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wats da diffrnce btween spliff and ishtik??????????

The small and the med size are ishtiiks !
The tallest one is a spliff !

how do women understand ‘romance’?

A happy ending !
I dont blame them, they live what they`ve learned
Usually from Hindi serials and films !
Well women, directors end them at a happy ending, they never show what happens after that !
Real life is harder, Romeo never had to look for a job , or Ipills ! =P
Liked by: Sidratul Muntaha

thoughts on Parul Mundra ?

Paruuu :D
Pretty ekta..a good good friend...i laav her =D
Funny friendly caring buddy, from India ! =D
I miss mundra , you gone along with you hippy brada :(
I miss our parties, the first memory with her is a awful funny one ! =P
Afterglow, damn i aint never forgetting that slap for getting drunk xD
Come back girl come back to dhaka !
I promise the sushi ! :(
Missed your participations in soo many events ! :(
Apna khyal rakhna ! :`)
P.s - Vani dila de !!!! xD

lol bro u dont use a shampoo? dafuq? :P

noh ! just well warmed water rinse is better off ! :P
Shampoo makes a guys long hair all gay n slimy !
Looks like an impotent pipi ! lol
Doesnt stand straight ! xD
Liked by: Candy Case

Shiiffaann bhii B| apner piser chul shoja kemne thake etto?

I dont know man , could be genetic ! :/
Or not using shampoo could be the undiscovered secret ! :V
not sure really bro !

you are so not rastar pola -_- manush jon emon kore ken!

lol thanks tashfia ! =D
Kamla bosti haters !

ur the kind of rastar pola who would straight up go to family and swear at them lol. do u still not see how ur a khat illiterate loser who swears at ppls' mothers cus u dont have good comebacks? yes honey u have 2 balls the size of mosquito bites so enjoy ur oily haired smelly vaginas!

i would have a come back when i know who the fuck you are !
till now you are just a pussy !
scared of showing your name ! =P
yet again, yet i enjoy rapping you n your mom !
you sound like a hypocrite when you call me a rastar pola , when your mom is a least paid whore from the rain line !
mosquito bites ? your sister started to lick it from the bottom , took her a long while to get to the top !
stop kiddin yourself !
im getting bored now , how long till you fuck off and get a life ?


Language: English