
Master Shifu'

Ask @Master10Shifu

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u r a khat grammo pls stop acting like a cool dude who knows everything. u should live in a village in bangladesh cus thats where u belong. ppl like u really need a reality check go look at urself - u dirty fuck u look like u never shower

You lost me, dont whine
From what you say
You sound like a home grown swine
Reality check and gram ??
Dont be judgemental bitch
Surely you still sleep with your dad n mom
You are a weakling showing wrath
hate and taunt
dirty ? Your mom gave me a spongebath
You dont even know me kid !
So buzz off please
You are a clown
Man up, my ex you tryna get
On me, she did go down on
Oh weak faggot dont frown
It is sad daddy dont let you stay out after dawn !!

why do u think ur the shit? just look at the girls u got man - all trashy pieces of shit and u think u live/act like a king cus u get so many girls. u think ur a player? my fucking ass u couldnt be a player if the world depended on it. u think ur the shit & ur girls r worth showing off cus ur khat

You know you are the shit, when there are shitty haters at your back, jealous, gutless, weak but still wont back down from sounding cocky n hate you for what you are, yet again as an anonimous !
Its easy to sound cocky when no body knows who you are !
and I live like a king,and fags like you dont make a difference in it, you just good at whining at complaining! Atleast i got things to show off with !
Im good at what i do, I m good at my sport, im a chimney to my weed !
Look at you, you dont even have the balls big enough to EVEN HATE properly.
When you talk about the women be respectful, dont talk like a disrespectful bastard !
I can see how desperate you are getting to date someone, but that attitude of yours aint ever gonna help you get you past your fapping days ! Period
And i never was or am a player, faggots like you keep spreading that to prevent me from milking your cows !
Tough luck shit face,
But, this is my screen !
You`l always be nagging, you see
Well stay there, this aint your scene !

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broke up with mehzooba then hooked up with otushi then again broke up with her then now tryin with sharon Trisha? seriously? No. get someone better.

Trying ??? lol !
You even make a terrible stalker, you are a disgrace to me ! =P
Seems you are more bothered about me..why dont you look me up one !? =P
Liked by: Sugerqube

Local weed is full of chemical n shit then where will get the original one and I wanted to know how make it more affective achha what's mohini and through pipe kamne?

There are dealers in town of the super green weed !
Mohini is the best weed in bd, found in he hillly areas of chitagong, by the looks it is super bright green and is a bit reddish fur coated !
Through the pipe like Popeye does it ! ;)

Tumi please weed er upor pHD kore felo.

lol ^^
I guess i can make do with all i know ! :D
But if i m successfull in my life il sure try to make it legal !

AChha after smoking weed when I take some sweet why I become more high and if I smoke weed everyday afterwards ki pabnai jaoa lagbe?

Sweets enhances the high makes it more colourful !
And no, you wont have to visit pabna !

Bhaia bhalo kore sorry bolsilam, arr amake disrespectul bolo..nijeke ki mone korso tumi? beshi koiro na :)-Tumi jano eita ke :)

Stop trying to sound so Tough n cocky
I don`t really care much !
Why are you even here !?
Called you disrespectful, cuz you did something deserving of it .
Its my personal life, who are you to ask ?
You don`t see me messing with your personal life, do you ?
You are not a friend nor family !
So, I don`t need you here !

Thoughts on me? bolei fel ? :P

Good friend ! Fun to talk to ! A good company !
Trustworthy ! Pretty ! ! Littol ! Nice !
Nibrash er gf ! x_x
And recently got to know she has a `Lubaba` in her name !
Its always good to see her smiling ! =D
Please Skittles dish ! ^^

Sorry, but that is what I heard. Do not answer the other one bro. Sorry :)

You are one disrespectful kid !
I dont know, if you mistakenly unticked you anon in the previous question or is that how you really are
but you need to be more bothered about your own life and respect people n leave them with their personal lives...Dont be a gossip girl !
Dont be hating ! =)

dude, i am really like this girl..but i dont know how to tell her that i like her. any tips on how i can make it obvious that i like her? :)

Be yourself Be natural !
Show you care, listen to her even when she is saying the most boring and stupif things, Yet again be respectful ! :P
Be a bit protective show some affection when its necessary be supportive and help her when she needs it !
Play her some nice music
Reply to all her text and calls !
Get in touch with her before bed atleast once
I guess thats it !
More over, take your time dont rush things !
Yet again, you might be asking the wrong person ! =P

yes ofcourse i understand. good to know that u r a protective brother shifan..one of them got married or something right? i saw the pictures? how is she and everyone else?

Nuzaha got married been 2 years i guess !
She is good ! =D
but mate, you make a weird anon !?


Language: English