
Master Shifu'

Ask @Master10Shifu

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Thought on Nusaybah?

She is a girl with two legs...two hands...one head ...
many many hair.
two ear
one mouth
yep she does pout
hyperactive n coca cola addict
and always jumpin around likkah-ah rabbit
she reminds me of santa
cheerfully spreading joy like she high on ganja
Oh shes soo short she remind me of hobbit
Yet Unlike one shes quite cute n quite sweet
But im not sure about the hairy feet
Dated her for around 5 month and maybe a week
But Still couldnt change that troublesome prick
So after me, she dated one plus one plus one more dick !
Yet still dint go to that fat romeo friik ! :P
I Shoot you, I keel you
Those are the comments Mr Nabi made
But Mr Nabi those are the same things
Achmed the dead terrorist said
Salfi, her brother, was suppose to score me a chick
Donh worry bruh, get the job done, and we`l smoke couple`o stick
Then comes her Best friend, Radia Shahed Ava
There are soo many nice things about her to tell, I cant pick
Cuz its like choosing a puddle of vomit to lick
Trust me She comes and gives you a lot of desire
When she leaves you realize your ass is on fire
Id better stop here
im just a rapist not a rapper
yet like a match stick
set on fire !

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Thoughts on Strawberry Yogurt and me :3

Samreen fuad: I adores you alooot.. tui pretty ekta paakhi..you so much fun to talk to, one of my best pals who cheers me up and helps me in finding solutions outta all my problems, esp the relationship issues xD
You`r a friend i hate to see upset or sad ! =(
Your best : Undoubtedly the Laaaaaaaaaaaal pic xD
Your worst: Nothing at all !
Slightly whispers: strawberry yoghurt xD
Chelsea supporter =P
Oh oh and now you are a motu paakhi >.<
Bad baad...start with basketball again you littol gurl !
I like your arts, you draw and sketch sooh naice ! =D
laal so pretty n nice, nooh ? =D
Liked by: Saiyaara Amin

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Why did you and otushi break up?

Cuz we were soo hot together..we caused global warming !
You know, so had to ! ;)
(Y) Save Your Planet (Y)
Liked by: Radia Shahed

Say yes to my request for stoned sex, please? Don't worry, it's a girl ;)

I dont wanna loose my virginity ! =(
#Bitlapolapan >.<

Tomar chul etoh shundor bole keno shobai? Your face is better.

=O =D
thank you hae ! =D
i guess different people have different perspective, well,
I appreciate your admiration !

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeen ! =D

your hair looks disgusting :s

so does your momma`s vagina !
guess both needs a visit to the barber ! :B

Thoughts on me? :3

Your nice and one of the most prettiest friends i have...you are someone i can talk to even when im at the worst states, and somehow you still manage to extract a smile outta me
other then the bits of the trust issues, everything else between us is just soo fine and fruity xD cuz after that incident the whole friendship was at stake :[
tui ektu kharaap cuz you still no give me baabliii >.<
those are the best n the cute things about you
heres the worst: you always keep on attempting hook-ups on me :P well i really appreciate it shahabuddin but you can stop now xD

There are relations that lasts forever, this i wish to be like one of them =D
Because no matter what happens it aint ever changing the fact that...
Tu Mera Hero ! =D

Thoughts on me? :3 Bhaalo stuff likhba, naile bubbly dibo nah xD

shundor, bhalo, bhodro,porbitro, shikkhito, mishtii, niriho ! =D
u soo good
now baabliii deeeeh ! :D

But I'll always call you Ismat Bhaiyaa! :* haha!

Anisa S. Imtiaz
hahah ^^
and il always be the same old ismat bhaiya for you ! xD
cute n crazy anisa :D
I miss SEMS when it comes to certain people ! =(
good ol days...huh !

What's your dream car?

Locally- Honda Integra Type-R & Prelude
Internationally- Pagani Zonda & Citroen Super Cars !

What was your favorite subject in school?

better not be asking about subjects related with books !

Don't you like it when people call you Ismat?

Ughhh, no its irritating ! >.<
i wonder how i tolerated everyone calling me by that all my school life ! x.x
Shifan, sound soo fine !


Language: English