@Mrjensa#1 🇸🇪


Ask @Mrjensa

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Are you superstitious? That you spit three times over your shoulder if you see a black cat walking across the road.

Wait a minute... Are you fucking sure about this? God, If I must have come across as a fucking idiot then. I always thought you were supposed to spit on the fucking cat.
I think I have to go back and update my checklist on these things. No wonder im fucking cursed.

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Are you back?

Nah, I only came back to try to solve a few things. I will upload the new shirts and give away coins to all the winners. But other than that, I am pretty much done here. At least taking a pause. I have absolutely no inspiration to do this shit anymore. I will spend some time working on my new dark comedy and take time off to go fishing in Norway. I also have plans to take a few online courses in screaming. Just take the opportunity to try to learn and discover new things in life. But I will come back and upload every once in a while and interact with you guys. I will definitely do that. You guys are amazing❤️

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How do you deal with toxic people: 1 Getting right back at then. 2 Kill them with kindness.

I thought you asked if I would kill them. Quite a difference there. I mean, I guess it depends on how fucking toxic they are😁 If you dont want to go that fucking extreme, you can just go for a hip toss and have them choked out with a guillotine. Try to be fucking toxic after that.
Kindness... Nah, being kind to people has never led me anywhere.

Why do people pretend to have the perfect life on social media?

My kid's grandparents went to Cyprus for two weeks recently. What happened? Grandpa got the flu, fell in the kitchen, and fucking pooped himself. I am not sure if grandma helped him out or just stood up and went:
- Well, I guess I have to continue my fucking dinner somewhere else now.
I agree. Those fucking pictures you won't see on social media.

How many genders are there?

I haven't come that far yet. I think things are fucking complicated as they are with only two. I overheard a dispute where a man blamed his woman for always being so fucking hard, and she, on her side, blamed him for never opening up. I fucking heard that and went:
- Excuse me, but can we pause the fucking trail here for a second! Isn't it usually the other fucking way around?
But I never got an answer.
How many genders are there

Vilken var den senaste julkalendern som du såg?

I think the last Christmas Callendar I watched was back in 2012. I remember I saw a catholic priest in the newspaper who commented on it and warned kids from playing with ouija boards. God, is there anything more fucking touching than when a catholic priest comes to kids' aid? So I commented on it and told the kids that if there is anything they should be fucking worried about, it's playing with catholic priests. If you see one, run for your fucking lives.
It's ten years later, and I am still waiting for his fucking reply.

Would you have loved working as a cop?

I have actually tried to apply for such a job. They needed people during the summer, and since I had a friend who owed me money, I told them the timing of it couldn't be more perfect.
If I landed a couple of stun grenades in his fucking apartment and he had a whole fucking SWAT team with MP5:s and laser sights entering through the windows. I am pretty fucking sure he would pay. Hell, in a moment like that, he would probably even have paid for my fucking vacation, too.
I told them it was a win-win situation – I win. They win. Well, maybe not so much that fucking guy. But they never reached back to me. Well, let's join the fucking military!


Language: English