

Ask @MyloJarman

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opinion on jack field, jan gison, kieran kent and dom rogers

Nice lad, doctor, decent lad, and dictator ;)

Opinion and joe griffiths and katie hanley i personally dont like the both of them

Im not telling someone who doesn't like two of my closest mates my opinion on them. You obviously care otherwise you wouldn't be interested in my opinion. Fucking hypocrite

Yeah none of myles buisness is anyone elses so just back off and leave the guy be , its clearly fucking annoying him so fuck of you unbelieving kafult bastards and mind your own nosy pricks

Thank you. Im not in the best of moods anyway so all this shut about Lisa and summerhasnt helped

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Your not as close to summer any more y

She was getting into Leighton, so I backed off so I couldn't be blamed for anything

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

I wouldn't know. I thought I knew someone, but apparently not :)

If you were a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

Jamaica. Then id make weed legal, and be the worlds leading trader of all types. That would make me a happy, high millionaire :)

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Scarlet Johansson or Emma Stone... Then id pop the line about not wanting to die a virgin...
Liked by: Josh Cureton

If you had to pick a year 7 girl for your brother to go out with in Phoenix who and why?

Someone who actually takes pride in their appearance and doesn't have a plastic face, an attitude of a piece of shit and actually has brains

What is the difference between Batman and a black man? Batman can go into a convenience store without Robin :)

You know, these types of jokes angered my dad. Post anymore and I'll just find out who you are and he can deal with you. There's your warning. Now fuck off.

Do you remember your first friend?

Yea her name is Emily Russel and we've been friends since we were pretty much born.

What's the youngest age of a girl you'd date and what's the oldest?

In school: 2 years below - 2 years above.
Out of school: 3 years below - 6 years above.


Language: English