

Ask @MyloJarman

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Who is the most trustworthy girl and boy in your year?

Katie most trustworthy girl
Jack F most trustworthy boy

Who are the most trustworthy people you know in your year at Phoenix?

Katie Summer Jack F Jack G Tom and Louis... i would say Kyle but he has the biggest mouth in the school so

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If you were to write a book what would it be about?

no matter how many idiots life throws infront of you, staying positive is a better option than an axe to get rid of them

Who do you think are the prettiest girls in year ten at Phoenix? IN ORDER

There's only one. Ryan Egan.

Person you've found out more about alena sankey or chelsea jones and who ud like to find out more about x

I know the same about you both :)

Opinion on Emily Greenwood,you used to go out with her didn't you?

shes a lovely person whos great to be around :)

How many hours a day do you listen to music?

Whenever I get a spare moment
Which can be anything from 1 hour to several hundred

why? i've asked you thats the point of ASK.fm .. do not loose her

and i have replied inbox. why use annon ?

well she is an amazing, so do not loose her, she is an amazing girl and there is always two sides of every stories also i thought you liked her?


i have heard a lot of stories about u and her and nothings happening? do not loose a nice and lovely girl like summer.. shes worth it! she's hot!

ill admit there are a lot of stories going round. inbox me and ill see if your worth telling.

whats with all the questions about girls from hlc....

i dont know... was on work experience there for the last two weeks


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