

Ask @MyloJarman

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Opinions on jordan rathbone kieran kent brandon woodall macauley moretti and jan gison

Jordan: can be a little bit insane.....
Kieran: as sound as a pound ;)
Brandon: pretty funny and safe
Macauley: my closest mate. He's awesome and I tell him most things tbh.
Jan: pretty funny - silent but deadly .... :)

What is your attitude towards hunting?

As long as I'm not being hunted, its nothing to do with me. Hunting happens everywhere.

Opinions on tom waller joe griffiths jack field dom rogers robert murdoch and sam bertie

Tom: dont really speak to him much anymore.
Joe: awesome guy
Jack: clever, funny, good on piano
Mr Rogers: pretty funny and strange
Robert: pretty funny
Sam: likes his dog...

If he likes her, if he don't he don't, why do you give a shit? Leave the poor chicken lover alone, from ur riding pal ;) aha

You might want to rephrase that.... Riding partner sounds strange.. And I dont have any idea who you are...

Oh hey. Fucking anonymous talking about me on here. Like what the fuck? Learn how to spell before you start talking about me..message me, when you can spell right.

Don't get wound up. The fact they said it anonymously means they haven't got the balls to say it to your face or question you about it

No u like her in that way! N I was seein what she looked like in her pic,ew

No my friend.... You can quite clearly see what she looks like in her profile pic... There's no need to go through them all ....

Ho on self harm/injury?

In short, I dont see why people would leave themselves visible reminders of how many times they've been hurt. With the exception of physical abuse, anything else is just verbal abuse and that doesn't leave a visible mark. But if a friend of mine is self harming, ill do my damned hardest to talk to them and then stop them...

I was just lookin through her pics and u liked all of em

Were good friends... Doesn't mean anything... Why were you looking through her pictures ?

opinions on Rhiannon Hill,Shannon Harbourne,Taylor Butterfield and Millie Endsor

Rhiannon is okay, don't really talk to Shannon, Taylor is hillarious and Millie is alright too.

Honest opinion on Katie Hanley, Summer Morgan, Gabrielle Fullerton, Kyra Pugh, Ashleigh Deans, Millie Endsor??

Katie: gorgeous, amazing
Summer: beautiful and funny
Gabby: crazy, stunning and immensely strong
Kyra: stunning and cute
Ashley: crazy, fun and beautiful!
Millie: pork pie, funny and crazy

What is the traditional meal in your country?

England - roast dinner
Jamaica - rice and peas and jerk chicken


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