

Ask @NataleighCherXO

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nattts natttts!!!!! omfg I know what you mean about oli omfffffggggg potato He's so fking hot oml !!!!!!!!!!!<3

JordanLindsaySmith’s Profile Photolol
He's mine back off thanks luv oli
Liked by: lol

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I dont have any pets awks

1)pyjamas or naked? 2)t.v or cinema? 3)books or films? 4)tea or coffee? 5)one direction or Justin bieber? 6)hidden talents? 7)biggest fear? 8)Craziest dream/goal? 9) Favourite colour? 10) Lights on or off? send this to whoever likes? <3 :3

1-pyjamas 2-cinema 3-films 4-tea 5-oli:-) 6-eating 7-being alone 8-meet oli 9-black 10-lights off
Like for this <3 x

Stop giving Nataleigh hate because she's one of the most kindest people you will ever meet, she's perfect how she is and telling her to die is unacceptable, and saying it while being on anon is pathetic, your opinion is not wanted and neither are you, ok goodbye! Love you nataleigh xxx

abbietelfordx’s Profile Photoabbie telford
Love you Abbie xxx
Liked by: abbie telford

You and all of you're friendship group are attention seekers

Say what you want about me but leave my friends out of it. There the strongest people I know and I love them all the world and NONE of them are attention seekers in any way shape or form so take you're opinion somewhere it's valid because it's not here.


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