

Ask @NataleighCherXO

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Thoughts on Imogen Holland?

Imogens great aw she's so so beautiful and so lovely yoi everyone. She always makes me smile and cheers me up aw, history today and marmalade omg ahahahah imogen is my fave aw xxxxxxx

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Celeb crush?

Silly question, Oli Sykes, Kellin Quinn, vic fuentes, Austin Carlie, josh franceschi, Conor Maynard, Joey Essex, Ben Bruce, lots and lots of people from bands really aha

If you could Snog, Marry and Avoid 3 celebrities of your choice who would you choose

Snog; Kellin Quinn(soz char)
Marry; Oli Sykes
Avoid; One Direction(soz directioners)
Liked by: Erin Pixie Craig

for the following, give them a hot or not: tommy, aaron b, aaron m, thomas w, jackson, louie, kaine, kyle, elliott d, aintaine, george oliver

I don't really know any of them tbh so I can't really give them a hot or not.

On April 16th, everyone who self harms, is suicidal, depressed, has anxiety, or an eating disorder - draw a semicolon on your wrist. A semicolon represents a sentence the author would've ended, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.

I'll do this omg
Liked by: Courtney Louise

for the following, say if you would ever go out with them: tommy, aaron b, aaron m, thomas w, jackson, louie, kaine, kyle, elliott d, aintaine, george oliver

I wouldn't go out with any of them tbh lol awks

If you could be any animal, what would you be, and why? <3

Unicorn cos there cute omg aw someone buy me a unicorn please <3


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